Over the past decade, the staggering truth is that billions have evaporated into thin air, all thanks to inadequate due diligence. Take Theranos, for instance—a classic tale where even so-called sophisticated investors failed to do appropriate diligence and cost investors dollars and reputations. But here's the silver lining: these costly blunders are entirely avoidable with the right approach to due diligence!
Since 2001, KLINK has saved clients billions of dollars by uncovering hidden risks that were brought to light by doing risk-based diligence. Through AI, field research, interviews, and local boots on the ground, we have identified fraudulent financials, bribery risks, political and economic risks, and sanctioned parties. With thousands of successful due diligence and fraud investigations over 23 years, spanning more than 130 countries, we have honed our expertise in critical areas including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and vendor and third party onboarding,
Our commitment to comprehensive research means we go beyond simply retrieving and presenting raw data. We dig deep to uncover information. We deliver detailed insights and actionable recommendations designed to protect both capital and reputations. Let us help you safeguard your investments and protect against fraud and loss.
We have substantial experience uncovering risks and problems in challenging places. Our network speaks and reads hundreds of languages to ferret out risks that can make the difference between success and failure. Email Jeff Klink jklink@klinkintel.com to learn more about the range of options for due diligence that can protect your organization.