Astrology is fascinating! Even if you don’t take it seriously, you have to admit that it’s interesting how many of our personalities are perfectly described by our astrological signs. Because everything is energy and, consequently, has a specific vibration, the energy (or vibration) of essential oils match up with the energy (or vibration) of the astrological signs.*  

If you’re interested in some of the basics of astrology and which essential oils are best for your star sign, then read on!

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*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
Increase creativity with essential oils because the routines of everyday life often zap our innovativeness. Many of us work full time jobs and also must clean, cook, exercise, eat healthy, and tend to our relationships. Add kids (i.e. a family!) to the mix, and it’s no wonder our originality and cleverness eventually dissolve due to our often busy and sometimes barren lives.

Remember to care for YOU by taking a bubble bath, enjoying a glass of wine, or savoring a cup of soothing tea. Increase creativity with essential oils by putting a few drops of oil in the bath, or use a diffuser to disperse oil and keep those ingenious ideas coming – and avoid burnout!

If you feel like you’re on your way to burning out, emotionally or mentally, try  Lavender Vetiver Bergamot Clary Sage Marjoram , or  Lemon  essential oil.*

Save 20% during our spring sale on all Biosource products. Use coupon SPRINGSALE at checkout.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.