Hurricane Ian's center hit Florida at 150 mph near Cayo Costa, a barrier island west of Fort Myers, shortly after 3 p.m. ET on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. In greater Estero, the hurricane selectively wiped-out neighborhoods and flooded homes in roof-deep waters. With sustained winds of 150 mph (240 kph), it was one of the strongest hurricanes to hit southwest Florida.
Estero communities hit hard by Hurricane Ian include large areas of homes on West Broadway, 1,369 homes, and approximately 2,738 residents. The areas included Estero Bay Village, Mariners Cove, Sherrill Lane/Luettich Lane, Charing Cross, Riverwood Plantation, Quarterdeck Cove, and Estero River Heights.
The Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL) was instrumental in the Estero Forever Foundation securing donations reaching more than $103,000. In addition, ECCL leaders Jim Shields and John Quin organized a 2-day gathering on November 5 and 6 at Riverwoods Plantation on West Broadway. The purpose was to provide a modicum of handholding and information. Hot meals, social interaction, and helpful information were also provided directly to those in the West Broadway area affected by the horrible event of hurricane Ian.
Read more about the community organizations and agencies that worked together to provide relief to those hit hardest by Hurricane Ian.