Etz Chaim Newsletter
  January 5, 2018
28 Tevet, 5779
 Upcoming Etz Chaim Events
Shabbat Limmud, January 12th 
"From Light to Darkness to Light" 
 A Conversation With the Aaron Family

Tuesday, January 29th 
Men's Club: Steak and Scotch 

Thursday, January 31st 
Sisterhood: A Night Out at Board and Brush

Tuesday, February 5th
Sisterhood Book Club
Mazal Tov
To Rabbi and Sarah Klibanoff on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter
Mazal Tov to Rachelli, Eliana, Gila, Adina and Moshe Klibanoff.  

Mazal Tov and Welcome to all the family and friends who are joining this Shabbat for the Simcha.

Kiddush this week is sponsored by the Klibanoff family in honor of Yocheved's Bat Mitzvah
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Elisa and Alan Pines on the birth of a grandson. 
Mazal Tov to the proud parents Nicki and Avi Lieberman, big sisters Emma and Alexandra, great grandmother Lucy Pantirer , and the entire Pines, Pantirer and Schwartz family.
Rabbi's Message

Ok, here is something new:  I just got back from Israel.  Every time I go, I come back with something new.  Like snowflakes, no two trips are the same.
I was privileged to have been chosen by the educational wing of AIPAC to represent the Orthodox community as a rabbinic mentor for rabbinic students from across the spectrum and the country.  I, along with a reform and conservative colleague, guided and grappled with these thirty students as they try to wrap their heads around the complexities of Israel today. 
It is certainly not a sure thing that all Jews are supportive of the State of Israel.  I know that may seem odd in our community, but in fact, many of the students have been turned off and disillusioned  with Israel.  
Luckily, my colleagues and I were able to make headway by showing three students so much that they did not know, and so much nuance in what they thought was absolute.  
What was the key?  Speaking to the "Other."  We often only  speak with those who agree with us on any issue.  Rarely do we engage in respectful conversations with those who vehemently disagree with us.  In my mind, this most exhausting week of doing just that was well worth it and was a true Kiddush Hashem.  The world could use a whole lot more of this.

Shabbat Shalom

New Members
Joanne and Elliot Bramnick
Sharon and Erez Biala
Youth Happenings
for this week's Youth Happenings to learn about events for youth and their families!

Upcoming Youth Events

Shabbat (Sat), January 12th, 10:15am
Kids Shabbat Service in the Beit Midrash 
(Grades 2-6)

Sunday, January 13th, 10:30am
Cookies 4 Cops: Baking and delivering cookies for our police officers  (All ages)

Shabbat (Fri), February 1st, 4:55pm
Krazy Cupcake Kabbalat Shabbat

Tuesdays 5:45pm-Dec 18, Jan 8, 15, 29, Feb 5
JTEEN University - Rock N' Roll & Judaism
 (Grades 8-12)
Shabbat Limmud
January 12th
"From Light to Darkness to Light"

Please join us for a very special and inspiring conversation with our very own Karen, Cliff and Feivel (Ford) Aaron.

The Aaron family will share with us their journey over the last several years after Cliff's diagnosis of Retinitis Pigmentosa and his subsequent vision loss.

You do not want to miss this talk! 
Men's Club Steak and Scotch Night:
Talia'a Steakhouse
Tuesday, January 29th, 6:15PM
Registration email coming soon! 
Sisterhood Presents:
A Night Out at Board and Brush
Thursday, January 31st, 6:30-9:30PM
Please join us for a Sisterhood night of fun and creativity at Board and Brush.
  Light snacks and drinks will be served. 
Limited space available. 

Sisterhood Book Club
Tuesday, February 5th
The Tattooist of Auschwitz
by Heather Morris.

If you have the time and inclination, we recommend reading the essay by Viktor Frankl,  "Experiences in a Concentration Camp" found in his book titled Man's Search for Meaning. 

The Book Club will be held at the home of 
Debbie Zuckerman
Community News & Events
JKHA Early Childhood: 
Bracha Experience!
Sunday, January 6th, 3:30-5:00PM
Join the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy Early Childhood for an exciting Bracha experience! Come learn how brachot are connected to all five of our senses in a fun, hands-on, interactive program! 

Open to all JKHA current and prospective families.    
Friendship Circle Cocktail Night
Honoring Chavi and Rabbi Yisroel Rosenblum
Thursday, January 10th, 7:00PM
Click HERE to Register
Davening Schedule
Shabbat Mevarchim


Candle Lighting


Shabbat Day



Teen Minyan

Z'man Kriat Shema


Shabbat Ends

Ma'ariv and Musical Havdallah - 5:40pm


Jan. 6-11



Monday Rosh Chodesh - 6:40am

Tuesday -  Fri



Mon - Thurs
*Ma'ariv Only - 6:45pm

*Mincha/Ma'ariv services are held at Suburban Torah (85 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave.) at 4:15pm

Rabbi's Classes
Tuesday Mornings:

Women's Class

Parshat Hashavua
10:30 am
A detailed look at the weekly Torah Portion

Tuesday Evenings:
New Class!

Talmud Shiur
"Arvei Pesachim"

after Davening

Yiddish Class

*Now on 

MONDAY Evenings*

Please join us for our class in Yiddish, led  by our very own Morris Glicklich. 

Class will be held on Monday evenings
after Minyan.
If you have any questions or if you want to find out more, please speak with Morris or
Michael Mamet.
All are welcome!
 א גרויסן דאנק
Cholim List
Prayer for the Ill

To add or remove a name from the cholim list, 
please contact 
Shelley Paradis at

Zumba at Etz Chaim
We are pleased to announce that there are Zumba classes being held at Etz Chaim.

For more info, please visit 

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