Congregation Etz Chaim
1 Lafayette Drive
Livingston, NJ 07039
(973) 597-1655

E. Samuel Klibanoff, Rabbi

March 23, 2019 | 16 Adar II 5779
Parshat Tzav
6:53 pm | Candle Lighting
6:55 pm | Mincha

Shabbat Day
8:30 am | Shiur
9:00 am | Shacharit
9:45 am | Teen Minyan
10:00 am | Z'man Kriat Shema
6:50 pm | Mincha
7:53 pm | Shabbat Ends
Weekday Services
March 24 - 29

8:30 am | Sunday
6:45 am | Mon - Fri

7:00 pm | Sun - Thurs

Rav Meir Goldwicht

8:30 am - "Insights in the Hagaddah Shel Pesach"
After Mussaf - "How to Succeed in Raising Happy Children and Grandparents"
6:00 pm - "Two Jews, Three Opinions, One Nation: A Formula for Jewish Unity"
The Rav will also speak briefly during Kabbalat Shabbat and Seudat Shlishit

Rabbi Meir Goldwicht, a prominent Israeli scholar and educator, is the Joel and Maria Finkle Visiting Israeli Rosh Yeshiva and a rosh yeshiva at the Yeshiva Program/Mazer School of Talmudic Studies at Yeshiva University. He is also head rosh yeshiva at the Irving I. Stone Beit Midrash Program. Rabbi Goldwicht received semikha from the renowned rabbinic authorities Rabbi Zalman Nehemia Goldberg, former Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem HaRav HaGaon Betzallel Zolti and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, HaRav Rashi of Israel.

Rabbi Goldwicht has given shiurim (lectures) extensively across the metropolitan area, throughout the United States, and in Israel. A popular lecturer who delivers more than 1,000 inspiring shiurim every year, Rabbi Goldwicht was described as “an absolute phenomenon” by Rabbi Zevulun Charlop for his colorful style that captivates audiences. "Rabbi Meir Goldwicht is an iconic steward of a 3,000-year-old heritage of Jewish learning,” said Dr. Ari Berman. Rabbi Goldwicht is also Rosh Kollel at Camp Mesorah.
Rabbi's Message
It has been a most exciting week here in Shul as we joyously celebrated Purim. I can only imagine what a Shabbat it must be for those who celebrate Purim on Erev Shabbat in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh. I bet that's some Kabbalat Shabbat!

In the Purim story, we averted disaster and genocide. This is certainly a cause for celebration. However, this week Klal Yisrael did not completely avoid disaster. Earlier this week we lost two holy souls who were brutally murdered by a terrorist whose sole aim was to kill Jews. Staff Sgt. Gil Keidan HY"D, 19 years old, and Rabbi Achiad Ettinger HY"D, a father of twelve and a beloved Rav and Rosh Yeshiva, were murdered this week in cold blood. Their families did not enjoy Purim like we did because they were in the midst of Shiva observance.

These events, though unfortunately all too common, are very unsettling for me. I have been to too many of these Shiva homes where I have seen firsthand the devastation that is left in the wake of these attacks. However, after this particular Piguah , I found myself even more upset. Let me explain why.

Last Shabbat I spoke about the horrific attack in New Zealand and what I think our reaction and response should be. I meant every word of it and we have seen many in our community who have reached out to the Islamic community in solidarity. Kudos to them for doing so. However, I have barely seen or heard a word of consolation or condemnation about what happened in Ariel. I remain stunned by the silence of those who were so quick to have their voices heard (and photo ops taken) when it came to New Zealand, yet have not uttered one syllable about what happened in Ariel. Stunned and amazed! If we condemn one act of terror, then we should have no problem condemning ANY act of terror!

Friends, I wish to see no bloodshed in the world. When it unfortunately does happen, it deeply hurts. When it is accompanied by silence and double standards, it hurts the most.

May Hashem grant comfort to ALL bereaved families whose loved ones were senselessly taken from them.

Shabbat Shalom
Kiddush this week is sponsored by the Etz Chaim Community
19th Annual NJ Jewish Film Festival: Etz Chaim Sponsored Films
Double Feature ( Travelogue Tel Aviv & The Unorthodox ) | March 30 | $10 (special price)
*Contact the shul office to register
Saturday | March 30 | 9:00 pm
JCC MetroWest
Maurice Levin Theatre
760 Northfield Ave.
West Orange, NJ 07052
Sisterhood Book Club:
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
Tuesday | April 2
Time and Location TBA

Men's Club: Fourth Annual "Man's Seder"
Wednesday | April 3 | 7:30 pm
Congregation Etz Chaim
1 Lafayette Drive
Livingston, NJ
Community Events
19th Annual NJ Jewish Film Festival
March 27 - April 7
JCC MetroWest
Maurice Levin Theatre
760 Northfield Ave.
West Orange, NJ 07052
JKHA PTC Spring Boutique
Do your pre-Pesach shopping at the JKHA/RKYHS Spring Boutique, Shop great vendors of hats, hostess gifts, jewelry children's clothing & accessories, and so much more! 

Pick up dinner for yourself and your family from THE WANDERING QUE barbecue food truck 4pm - 8pm.
Wednesday | March 27 | 5pm - 8pm 
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest Presents:
CommUNITY Mitzvah Day

Sunday | April 7
Parshat Hashavua (Women)
Tuesday | 10:30 am

Talmud Shiur - Arvei Pesachim
Tuesday Evening | After Davening

Yiddish Class
Monday Evening | After Davening
Zumba at Etz Chaim
Monday | Wednesday | Thursday

Updating Cholim List
To add or remove a name from the list, please contact SHELLY PARADIS.