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Read news from the world of astronomy for the week of April 22, 2022.
Latest News
Radar measurements of ice on Earth suggest that Jupiter’s moon Europa might host water near its surface.

Big winners in a community survey that helps determine the next decade of planetary science include a Uranus flagship mission, a mission to Enceladus, and planetary defense.

A distant object in a deep Hubble Space Telescope field could be in transition from ordinary galaxy to brilliant beacon of light.

Observing Highlights
Arcturus is the brightest star high in the east these evenings. Look for Spica to the lower right of Arcturus. To the right of Spica is Corvus, the springtime Crow.

People have been watching the annual Lyrid meteor shower for more than 2,700 years. Come join the crowd!

Download the April episode to explore the fascinating movement of four planets in the sky before dawn.

A webinar featuring guest astronomer Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell and "The discovery of pulsars – a graduate student’s tale." Dr. Burnell will describe how pulsars were accidentally discovered and relate some instances where they were 'nearly' discovered.

Here’s what to know if you want to see this hybrid (mostly total) solar eclipse next year.

Are you interested in combating light pollution? International Dark Sky Week, which starts today, offers events in which you can learn how.