Tips for Sharing Your Messages on Mental Health and Wellbeing of Men and Boys of Color
Dear Making Connections Grantees,
As you may know, Vanguard Communications, a Washington, DC-based public relations and social marketing agency focused exclusively on communications for social change, conducts an analysis of the media landscape surrounding the mental wellbeing of men and boys in the U.S. each year and writes both grantee and national reports showcasing the findings. In order to best support the work you are doing in your communities around producing effective messaging, Vanguard developed the
Creating Message Concepts About the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Men and Boys of Color
tip sheet. This tip sheet provides helpful ways to create effective messages to increase your impact and identify positive influencers who can share your messages widely. We hope this resource will be valuable as you continue the important Making Connections work in your communities.
Click on the icon below to access the tip sheet.