Maynard Evans High School Community Brief
Monday, August 15, 2022
Evans Community Member,
Thank you for your commitment to making Evans High School, "A Place of High Achievement." Our focus is on Literacy, Rigor, and Relationships, and our school's pillars of Pride, Determination, and Perseverance continue to be on display by our students, staff and community.
Our preparation during the summer for the 2022-2023 school year was evident based on the smooth first three days of school. The campus was clean and the Trojan faculty and staff were prepared for our students to start their school year. Our students were in dress code and observed the cell phone policy. As a school, we had a very successful first week of school.
As we enter into our second week of school, I would like to communicate the need for all students to be in attendance every day during every class. This is important for your student to obtain the knowledge, strategies, and resources for success. At Evans High School, attendance is correlated to a student being able to participate and/or attend extracurricular events and athletic events. If your student is absent, please send a doctor's note to the school. These can be turned in to the Attendance Office.
Attendance matters and tardies to school and each period also matter. If a student is tardy to a period, they will need to report to the Attendance Office or a Dean’s Office for a tardy slip. Again, attendance is directly tied to a student being able to participate in extracurricular and sporting events.
Safety is vital on our campus and in our community. The safest location for your student to be dropped off is in the Parent Drop-Off Loop on campus. Please do not let your student out on Silver Star Road. The safe arrival and departure of your student are paramount. We have staff on duty in the morning beginning at 6:50 am to assist with arrivals as well as in the afternoon after school.
Students, Parents, and Community Members I would like to encourage you to get involved. We have numerous opportunities to support our Trojans. The PTSA and SAC are great ways for all to become immersed in Evans High School. Our first PTSA and SAC meetings are next week and more information is located in this communication. Please make sure you are checking your emails regularly for information from teachers and staff about opportunities.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Nelson Warren
Aug. 15-17: Girls Volleyball tryouts, 3:00pm to 5:00pm in the gym
Aug. 19: Fall Portraits for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors
Aug. 23: First PTSA and SAC meetings of the school year
Aug. 30: Open House, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Sept. 2: Registration deadline for the Oct. 1 SAT
Sept. 5: Labor Day, No School
Sept. 16: Registration deadline for the Oct. 22 ACT
2022-2023 School Calendar
Fall Portraits: All Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors
This coming Friday, August 19 . . .
All Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors will take their Fall Portraits on Friday, August 19, 2022. This is the picture that will be in the 2022-23 Yearbook. The portraits will be taken during your English classes and will occur in the PAC. Please scan the QR Code to order your pictures.
Important 2022-23 Online Forms for All Parents & Guardians
Health Services Consent Form
We still need parent input on whether or not you give us permission to treat your child for any kind of medical attention. Should it become necessary to provide your child with timely care, please review these forms tonight on your parent Skyward portal. Unfortunately, if we do not receive your approval, we can not provide your child with any kind of medical care if the need arises.
2022-23 PTSA / SAC Meeting Dates
First meeting of 2022-23 is Tuesday, Aug. 23
Please note we have added a date for an August meeting. We would like you to consider joining the PTSA (Parent, Teacher and Student Association) and the SAC (School Advisory Council) meetings. During these meetings, information is discussed that impacts our school. It is imperative to have community involvement in the discussions. You can join the PTSA by logging into your student’s SchoolPay Account and clicking on PTSA or by paying in person at a meeting. We look forward to seeing you at the PTSA and SAC meetings!
The 2022-23 Open House for Evans High School will be on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 from 6pm - 7:30pm. During this event you will be able to meet your student’s teachers and gain valuable information about resources that are available for your student at Evans High School. Please save the date and make plans to attend.
The Class of 2026 had their first high school assembly on Friday, August 12, 2022. During the assembly, our new Trojans were explained the importance of culture at Evans High School. Expectations as well as explanations were discussed for grades, behavior, dress code and the Trojan way. The students were able to hear from our principal, Mrs. Nelson Warren as well as be introduced to several administrators and resources on campus.
Evans High School Student Services
Do you need a Schedule Change?
Please click on the link below to request a schedule change:
Please keep in mind schedule change requests will only be considered for the following reasons:
- You already took and passed the class.
- You are currently taking the class on virtual school.
- You are missing a core academic class (English, Math, Science or Social Studies), or graduation requirement.
- You are missing a period, or have 2 classes the same period.
Schedules will not be changed for the following the reasons:
- You are requesting a different lunch.
- You are requesting specific periods for your classes.
ACT registration:
SAT registration:
2022-23 Dress Code Policy
For parking decal information, please go to / Student Tab and locate the parking decal information. This will provide information about required items for students to obtain a 2022-2023 parking decal to utilize student parking at Evans High School.
QR code to purchase tickets to Friday Night at Evans High School Football Stadium:
Are you interested in working the football chains at the Evans High School Home Football Games? Contact Athletic Director Thompson at if you are interested.
Are you interested in trying out for the 2022-22 Lady Trojan Volleyball Team? Try outs are Monday - Wednesday. You must have a clearance through the Athletic Trainer. If you have questions about the Lady Trojan Volleyball Team, please email Coach Stewart - If you have questions about Athletic Training Clearance, please email Ms. Edwards -
2022-23 Trojan Athletic Pass Information
Trojan family and community, the Trojan Athletic Department is pleased to be able to offer 3 passes for the 2022-23 school year. A Trojan Athletic Pass will allow for entrance to all HOME (Regular / Non-District / Playoff) athletic events. Please contact Athletic Director Thompson if you have any questions. (
Are you interested in opportunities to visit colleges and universities this fall to explore your options? You should take advantage of the listing of FLY-IN opportunities. You can go to Please email Ms. Benefiel for more information. (Students will need to access the FLY-IN listing by utilizing their OCPS Google).
Monday's Motivational Moment!
WISDOM TO LIVE BY — Week of August 15, 2022:
Bill Russell On Teamwork
The most important measure of how good a game I played was how much better I'd made my teammates play.
~ Bill Russell, legendary NBA star (recently passed on July 31, 2022)
H.G. Wells On Perspective
We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams.
~ H.G. Wells, author
Bindi Irwin On Self Worth
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.
~ Bindi Irwin, naturalist (the "Crocodile Hunter's" daughter)
Andy Puddicombe On Confidence
To know yourself is to be confident. To be confident is to fearlessly express your potential.
~ Andy Puddicombe, Headspace co-founder
Keanu Reeves On Awareness
The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way.
~ Keanu Reeves, actor
Have a great week!
Mrs. Nelson-Warren, Principal
Evans High School
Monday, August 15, 2022
Leadership Team
Pride - Determination - Perseverance
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Copyright Notice
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Maynard Evans High School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially Maynard Evans High School. Please contact Ms. Donna Benefiel at with any questions related to the program.
Evans High School | Mrs. Nelson Warren, Principal | 407.522.3400 | Evans Website