Join us for a "First Half Super Bowl Party" in the Parish Hall this Sunday, February 11th, starting at 5:30 pm. Bring your favorite Super Bowl dish to share.

To help our planners, RSVP by Noon tomorrow by using the button below.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Altar Flowers

There are opportunities to donate altar flowers on February 11th and 25th (Chantry) and February 18th and 25th (High Altar). Please call Nancy Andrus at 406-8545 or [email protected].

Next Bishop for Rochester Roundtable

Join in a discussion about the bishop candidates on Sunday, February 18. Our delegates to the electing convention – Kevin Frisch, Julie Gedro, and Stan Refermat – will meet you in the Vestry Room during Fellowship Hour after the 10:15 am Service.  

Sunday's Lessons and Beyond

Here's a great resource for all parishioners -- those who serve as lectors and those who like to reflect on our lessons in advance. This website provides the readings for Sundays, Feast Days, and Lesser Feasts.


During February, we will collect supplies from Agape Haven's Wish List, which can be found in the back of the church or here: bit.ly/agapewishlist. Please place your donations in the baskets in the back of the church or in the shopping cart in the Parish Hall.



12:00 pm

Noonday Eucharist

in the Norton Chapel


8:00 am

Holy Communion

in the Chantry


10:15 am

Holy Communion

Sunday School at 10:00 am

Available at 10:15 am

Nursery Care


ASL Interpretation


We entrust into your unfailing care, Merciful God...

Those for whom our prayers have been requested: Gary, Hank, Ned, Bertha, Elizabeth, Alan, Jeff, Donna, Barbara, Paula, Amelia, Louis, Scott, Ella, Matthew, Dean, Bill, and Tim.

Our nation and the world: the President, Congress, and Supreme Court; our Governor, Mayor, and the leaders of the communities from which we come; members of our military at home and abroad; for all those elected or appointed to positions of public trust, and, for peace throughout our world, especially, in Israel and Palestine.

The Church throughout the world, especially for Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; for Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church; Stephen Lane, Bishop Provisional of Rochester; for the clergy and staff of St. Paul's and for our partners in ministry.

With thanksgiving: our health care professionals, first responders, essential workers, and farmworkers.

Those who have died and those whom we love but see no longer.

Almighty and eternal God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth: Mercifully accept the prayers of your people, and strengthen us to do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


O God, our heavenly Father, make the door of St. Paul's Church wide enough to receive all who need love and fellowship and loving care, and narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and uncharitableness. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, but strong enough to turn back the tempter's power. 

O heavenly Father, make the door of St. Paul's a gateway to your eternal kingdom; bless every member and worker; may all that we do and say be done and said to your honor and glory and the spreading of your kingdom. May we continue to be forever yours and daily increase through the Holy Spirit in love and service to others; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Parish Committees & Ministries

The two buttons below have links to our Parish Committees and ministries and who to contact if you'd like more information.

Parish Committees


Candidates for Bishop of Rochester

The Rev. Canon Lauren Holder

The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton

The Very Rev. Kara Wagner-Sherer

Visit this website for more information.

The Electing Convention is scheduled for Saturday, February 24th, 2024, and the consecration of the new bishop is scheduled for July 13, 2024 

Please continue to pray for the search process:

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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