Presbytery of San Jose Newsletter ~ March, 2024

The Watsonville Public House has opened..."Soft like Metallica."

edible Monterey Bay interviewed Pastor Robbie Olson about the Pub House's soft opening. The article may be found here: edible Monterey Bay Article

The Pajaronian has also picked up on the story... The Pajaronian Article

Watsonville Public House is a  non-profit  brew pub organized for hospitality and outreach to the community.  Operations hours will be expanding as we open so please check here for the latest hours.

Nancy Schell Urban Ministry Center at Westminster Presbyterian Church 

The Bill Wilson Center has moved in! The Presbytery and the Bill Wilson Center ("BWC") came together to dedicate and celebrate the Urban Ministry Center's grand opening in downtown San Jose on March 7th. The building was previously the Education Building for Westminster Presbyterian Church ("WPC"). The building was renamed In honor of the late Rev. Nancy Schell, minister member and former parish associate of Westminster Presbyterian Church.


The Administrative Commission tasked with investing First Presbyterian Church of San Jose's property sale proceeds started working on a vision for urban ministry in San Jose in May, 2019. Westminster joined the discussion that October, offering their classroom building which led to the Bill Wilson Center partnering with the Presbytery. The BWC has moved in to the extensively renovated space as the main tenant, and we are delighted in what this partnership means for the wider community, Westminster Presbyterian Church, and our Presbytery!

More information on the BWC may be found here: BWC Website

Boundary Training- New dates added

The Presbytery offered boundary training for Teaching Elders/Ministers and Ruling Elders in separate workshops led by Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow. We received great feedback that it was helpful and engaging us in the shared wisdom of the community. 128 Ruling Elders and 31 Ministers participated in one of the four workshops offered.  The Ruling Elder Boundary training is offered as a service to the churches, as Sessions can develop their own required training.  The Minister members are required to take Boundaries training every three years.  If you did not attend please save the date for our next workshops: Teaching Elder/Minister Boundary workshop on October 8 from 2:00-4:00 pm or October 16 from 9:00-11:00 am at the Presbytery offices. Ruling Elder Boundary Workshop will be offered October 16 from 6:00-7:00pm on Zoom. Registration will be required.

New Faces Around Our Presbytery 

We give thanks to God for bringing us new colleagues in ministry and we look forward to getting to know them. We are grateful for the prayerful work of nominating committees and search teams and for the faithful leadership of transitional and bridge pastors and Sessions during transitions.  

The Rev. James Potts has joined as an Associate Pastor to First Presbyterian Monterey with an Installation Service scheduled on April 14 at 5:00 pm.  The Rev. Joe Park has joined as Pastor to El Estero in Monterey. The Rev. Tom Harris has joined as Pastor of First Presbyterian Palo Alto.  The Rev. Kim Dorr Tilley has been elected as Pastor of First Mountain View and will join them next month.  The Rev. Fred Harrell (minister member of San Francisco) has been hired as a Transitional Pastor for Stone Church, beginning Easter Sunday.  

Please pray for great beginnings and fruitful ministries for these pastors and churches!

Save the date: Next Presbytery meeting Saturday, May 4 at 9:00 am at Presbytery Offices/Cornerstone. The meeting will be Hybrid (Zoom/in Person) We request that presenters attend in person and we welcome commissioners to choose the mode that best fits their needs.

A Message from the Stated Clerk 

As Holy Week continues to unfold, I pray that you experience God’s costly welcome and hospitality through Jesus in a fresh new way, and that your celebration of the Resurrection is filled with joy. I’ve been thinking a lot about the radical hospitality of Jesus and how this is offered to us. How should we respond? I know many stories of how faithful people in our Presbytery have experienced the call to share the hope and hospitality of Jesus in creative and imaginative ways.  I’m reminded of the one of the ordination vows shared by ruling elders, deacons and ministers “to pray for and seek to serve the people with energy, imagination and love.” I would love to hear more about your stories of imagination and love as you share God’s hospitality and hope with each other and the community.

Grace & peace,


Rev. Erica Rader

Stated Clerk