Walk with the Chamber in the 54th Annual Santa Clara Parade of Champions
Saturday, October 7th, 2023, 10 AM - 1 PM
Downtown Santa Clara @ Franklin Square
THEME: Western
Break out your cowboy boots, bandanas, belts and Stetson hats!
Come join the SVC Chamber team in the Santa Clara Parade of Champions. Our group of board members, ambassadors, and members (like you) will walk together led by a fancy car. Our team will be dressed in a western theme celebrating the American spirit! You can bring a sign or a poster showcasing your company and service to the community.
The parade is the longest running, most inclusive Parade and Festival event in the history of Santa Clara; celebrating our Champions, community and front-line heroes since 1945!
Something for everyone to enjoy + events to share with family & friends
Community Village Booths
- Food Trucks
- Shopping
- Street Dance