


April 1, 2023

Lopön Barbara Du Bois

April 1, 2023

10am-12pm and 2-4pm PDT (UTC-7)


From H.E. Garchen Rinpoche we are hearing this: We are living in times when beings are overcome by their thoughts of hatred, anger, and jealousy—and these are actually the causes of all harm in the world, even bringing us to try to destroy one another. These causes are within the people, created by the minds of human beings. “Therefore, it is most important to change this state of mind, to cultivate a mind of love and compassion for one another,” Rinpoche says.

He is speaking to us. We are the people of this world and these times, the human beings called to change our minds—and the time is now. 

The Dharma gives us many skillful methods for cultivating the mind of love and compassion. They all work, if we actually follow them. Sometimes, however, our mental-emotional afflictions can appear to undermine our positive intentions, as if we are helpless under the weight of our karmic propensities. I have experienced this personally, and perhaps you have, too. Therefore, in our day together we shall consider the process we call purification, by which seeds of negative cause in the mindstream can be cleared away, allowing beauteous bodhicitta to be recognized and to flourish. For this, we will engage together the profound, gracious, cleansing, purifying, healing practice of Vajrasattva. 

“Purify based on love,” the holy guru tells us.

LIVESTREAM and ZOOM - Updated information

For those who register, the entire event will be in our zoom room OR livestreamed on YouTube.

  • Zoom Information. Go to zoom website. (https://zoom.us for those in the US) Meeting Number 218 378 3697 Password: namoguru

As a back up the event will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel. Click here to go to the livestream


Saturday April 1, 2023 - 10am -12pm / 2pm -4pm PDT (UTC-7)

*Click here to check your timezone


Below are links for texts and image support for the days of retreat.

Our practice texts and related documents are available on the Institute website as well as the provided links below.


The Garchen Buddhist Institute is offering all of our online dharma programs for free. However we are only able to do so because of the generosity of the sangha. Donations cover the offerings to Lopon Barbara Du Bois and costs to provide this programing. Donations of any size are gratefully accepted.

Click Here to Donate

If you have any questions, please email registration@garchen.net