Cathedral Bulletin | September 15, 2021
SCROLL DOWN Poem of the Week is back! Links to livestream Masses this weekend; Hunthausen Golf Tournament Recap; Fixing Homelessness; World Day for Refugees and Migrants; last Sunday's bulletin
Recently, Hurricane Ida caused major damage across several states when it made landfall in the Gulf Coast and moved inland as a tropical storm. As a result, lives have been lost and many Church properties, along with homes and businesses, have been severely damaged or destroyed. Our partners at Catholic Charities USA, along with their local agencies, are hard at work providing humanitarian relief and will be with communities over their extended recovery.
The Poem of the Week is back!
After our summer hiatus, the Poem of the Week is back!
Scott Webster reads Walt Whitman's "A Noiseless Patient Spider" and Corinna Laughlin offers commentary
Livestream Masses this weekend
The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, September 19, 2021
MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages
MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Cathedral Vimeo/Facebook pages
Hunthausen Golf Tournament Recap
A huge thank you to all who supported our 24th annual Hunthausen Charity Golf Tournament and Dinner, held August 30 at Glendale Country Club.
Thanks to our many generous supporters, we were able to raise an extraordinary $190,069 for the Cathedral Kitchen and other outreach ministries. Our biggest year ever—and an amazing testimonial to your generosity!
Pagliacci Pizza
Paul Koo/Conserve Energy
Roy and Frances Simperman
A Friend of the Cathedral Kitchen
Agape · Anonymous
Cedar Grove · Ferguson Construction · Swire Coca-Cola, USA
Macrina Bakery · Subeer and Sonia Manhas · Chuck Kastner
Meriwether Advisors · Merlino Foods · USI · O’Dea High School
Father David Brant · Wilcox Construction · Peg Haggerty
Jan and Bob Bender · HUB International Northwest
Charlie’s Produce · Ed and Rosemarie Authier
Marion Sullivan · Rose Southall · Dick Abrams
Richard M. and Maude M. Ferry Foundation · Order of Malta
Special thanks to our co-sponsor, Pagliacci Pizza! Did you know that Pagliacci Pizza donates hot, delicious pizza to feed our Cathedral Kitchen guests every Thursday night? Thank you, Pagliacci Pizza!
Fixing Homelessness: Panel Discussion
Season of Creation: through October 4
World Day for Refugees and Migrants
Grief Support begins September 28
ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU We visited an older man who worked in a shipyard until he injured his knee. Unemployed for several months, he found work doing general labor which he could manage with his injury. While pleased to find employment, he was disappointed in not receiving pay during a couple of 12-day quarantines when the new worksite closed because of COVID. With the disruptions in his income, he fell a couple months behind in rent payments. The man called the SVdP Helpline hoping for assistance (206-767-6449). With your financial support, we paid as much as we could on his rent and referred him to other possible sources of additional rent help – thank you! Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or
ACT DURING THE SEASON OF CREATION Sign the Catholic Climate Petition! Send a message to U.S. leaders. Join your voice with thousands of individuals signing the climate action petition across the U.S. Catholic community as a faith-filled appeal to President Biden and the U.S. Information,
FREE COVID-19 VACCINES Thursday, September 23, 2:30–4pm, St. James Cathedral Hall (907 Columbia St). King County Public Health will offer the Moderna (2-dose) and Johnson & Johnson (1-dose) Covid-19 vaccines for free to everyone, age 18+. No appointment necessary.
SOCKS NEEDED Each Advent, you, the parishioners of St. James Cathedral, have been profusely supportive of the Warm Hearts and Soles Sock Drive. Normally, our outreach ministries are able to have enough socks to give out through the course of the year. However, our stockpile is almost depleted. Please consider donating men’s athletic socks. Donations can be delivered or shipped to the Parish Office during the week or dropped off in the Cathedral Chapel on weekends. Thank you!
REGISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S FAITH FORMATION Children’s Faith Formation is starting Sunday, September 26. Register now for Children’s Faith Formation, including preparation for first Holy Communion (for those children entering Second Grade) and Confirmation (for those children entering seventh grade and above). Register online, or returning families can register by calling Theresa Van de Ven, 206-219-5822.
FAITH MENTORS BECOMES FAITH FRIENDS Do you know a child ages 7-18 with physical, cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities? Our Faith Mentor program is being carefully rebuilt and relaunched as Faith Friends. The new program will be a unique blend of our Faith Mentor, children’s faith formation program, and an inclusion ministry. The program's goal is to give children ages 7-18 with physical, cognitive and intellectual disabilities access to parish community, social events, and faith formation. Information, Jennifer Wong, or visit our program link at
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR OUR FAITH FRIENDS MINISTRY Our Faith Mentor program is being carefully rebuilt and relaunched as Faith Friends. The new program will be a unique blend of our Faith Mentor, children’s faith formation program, and an inclusion ministry. The program's goal is to give children ages 7- 18 with physical, cognitive and intellectual disabilities access to parish community, social events, and faith formation. Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Faith Friends program is the Faith Peer program. Faith Peers are teens and young adults who have chosen to live out their discipleship and share some of their personal time in dedication and service to the goals of the program. Adult volunteers are needed for the Adult Leadership team. Training for Faith Mentors, Faith Peers and Adult Leadership begins October 10. Information, or our program link at
CAPPELLA ROMANA CONCERT – Friday, September 24 at 7:30pm, vocal ensemble Cappella Romana presents A Covid Requiem: Music for Remembrance. They offer the rarely heard funeral service for mixed voices by the late Sir John Tavener, with Byzantine funeral chants composed by John Michael Boyer for Sir John’s funeral in 2013. Performed in memory of those who have died from COVID-19, these works help us to embrace courage and hope for the future. Tickets and more info at Contact the music office for complimentary parishioner passes (limited number available) or to make Friends of Cathedral Music seat reservations – or 206-382-4874. Please note that Cappella Romana requires all audience members to provide proof of vaccination at the door, and entry is not allowed for children under 12 who cannot be vaccinated.
PRAYER TEAM FOR THE NEEDS OF OUR LOCAL CHURCH Archbishop Etienne has asked each parish in the Archdiocese to establish a prayer team to pray for the mission of the Church. Pope Francis has called the whole Church to reflect on synodality (shared leadership) during the coming year. In our local Church, the Archdiocese of Seattle is in the midst of a pastoral planning process, and on the parish level, the Cathedral Vision Council has been meeting to set the parish vision for the next five years. We have much to pray for! Will you join this team? You will receive a prayer intention each week by e-mail. Information or to sign up, Corinna Laughlin,
CORNERSTONE CATHOLIC CONFERENCE The bishops of Washington State invite you to attend this virtual conference on October 30 offered in English and Spanish. Keynote addresses by Father Robert Spitzer, Gloria Purvis, Fr. Agustino Torres and Brenda Noriega. Attendees may also choose two workshops to attend. There is no charge, although donations are welcome. Registration,
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104