Community Wellness Programs, Classes, Information, Resources & Careers

November 2024

Reminder: Set your clocks back an hour on Sunday November 3, 2:00am.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Fall Back Time Change on Sunday November 3
Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority Logo including a person standing with arms outstretched.

Upcoming Classes:

Practicing Gratitude - new to our Relaxation / Mental Wellbeing class series

Aging Well, 'Mental Health Matters' workshop

Feeding Baby - introduction to solids

Feeding Littles - how to have pleasant meal times

Commit to Quit - help to reduce or stop your tobacco or nicotine use

Every Vaccine Counts

In this issue you'll find:

  • Respiratory Virus Season from Public Health
  • Remembrance Day and Veterans' Week
  • Water Safety Grant Information
  • Learn about the Steppin' Up Program
  • World Diabetes Day
  • IERHA Strategic Focus Survey
  • Cancercare Manitoba Virtual Patient and Family Conference
  • McLeary Family Endowment Fund Donation for Community Programs
  • Safe and Healthy Home for Seniors
  • Budget Friendly Recipe of the Month
  • Careers with the IERHA

Visit our Website

Remembrance Day and Veterans' Week

Source: veterans.gc.ca

Remembrance Day - November 11

Indigenous Veterans Day - November 8

Discover the stories of Canadians, from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds who have served Canada: Featured People and Stories.

November 8 is Indigenous Veterans Day. The First Nations, Inuit and Métis people of Canada have a long and proud tradition of military service to our country: Learn more here.

Manitoba Coalition for Safer Waters Poster for Funding Applications Due November 30.
Click here to download the Water Safety funding application.
New Steppin' Up Physical Activity Leaders trained in Interlake-Eastern RHA.

New Physical Activity Leaders Trained In Our Region

Contributors: Michelle Berthelette & Jan Keryluk,

Community Wellness Facilitators with the Interlake-Eastern RHA

With the partnership of Active Aging in Manitoba, 2 leader training opportunities were hosted in the region in Riverton and Sagkeeng First Nation. Our goal to bringing the training to the region was to build leadership capacity in northern, rural and First Nation communities in our region. In Riverton, 8 participants completed the leader training and in Sagkeeng First Nation, 12 participants completed the leader training. There was no cost to bring the Leader Trainer to the region.


Participants in attendance at the trainings came from the following communities: St. Georges, Powerview-Pine Falls, Hollow Water First Nation, Sagkeeng First Nation, Traverse Bay, Fisher Branch, Arborg, Riverton and Eriksdale.

Click here to read more about the Steppin' Up Leader Training.

Active Aging in Manitoba

Living with diabetes. World Diabetes Day November 14, 2024.

World Diabetes Day is November 14 - Diabetes and Wellbeing

Source: worlddiabetesday.org

"Millions of people with diabetes face daily challenges managing their condition at home, work, and school. They must be resilient, organised, and responsible, impacting both their physical and mental well-being. Diabetes care often focuses only on blood sugar, leaving many overwhelmed. This World Diabetes Day, 14 November, let’s put well-being at the heart of diabetes care and start the change for a better diabetes life." ~ worlddiabetesday.org

Support in our region: Together with an Interlake-Eastern Chronic Disease Nurse, you’ll focus day-to-day management of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. With a chronic disease nurse’s support, you will learn about chronic illness and receive support in facing the daily challenges of living with a chronic illness. Chronic disease nurses work in a primary health care setting with other health-care professionals such as your doctor, nurse practitioner and dietitian. They work as part of team to help you stay healthy.

Click here to learn more and to connect with an IERHA Chronic Disease Nurse.

In the Kitchen with Diabetes Canada - "Do you struggle with what to make for dinner? Not sure how to build a balanced plate? Lack time, knowledge or know-how in the kitchen? We’ve got an educational series for you." Click here to learn more about this virtual event.

Let’s work together to improve the health of our communities!

As a vital partner in enhancing the health of our communities within the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority (IERHA), your voice matters! We want to hear from you as we develop our new strategic plan. Your insights will help shape our priorities and future initiatives.

Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Complete the survey
  2. Survey closes at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12
  3. Take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FD7X765
  4. Join our virtual planning session
  5. Date: Thursday, November 21, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Click here to join the session.

Everyone is welcome! We're committed to making our meetings accessible. If you have suggestions for increasing participation, please email us at info@ierha.ca.

Safe and Healthy Home for Seniors:

A grant for providing accessibility solutions

Contributors: Marilyn Sitar, Community Wellness Facilitators with the Interlake-Eastern RHA

Did you know that every year in Canada one in three people over the age of 65 fall? Falls can be devastating, often resulting in injury, hospitalization and in many cases, being admitted to long term care. The good news? There are some simple things we can do that don't cost money or are low cost.

Woman tripping over a lamp cord.

And there's more good news! For older adults living in Manitoba with difficulty safely accessing areas in their home, grants may be available through the Safe and Healthy Home for Seniors. Funded by the Manitoba Government, and implemented by the March of Dimes, the grant provides up to $5000 for basic and essential accessibility solutions.

To learn more about Falls Prevention tips and about the Safe and Healthy Home for Seniors Grant, click here.

2024 Virtual Patient and Family Conference with Cancercare Manitoba, November 29 and 30.
Accepting a donation cheque for IERHA Wellness Team Community Programs.

Supports for Community Wellness Programs

Contributor: Averill Stephenson, Executive Director Interlake-Eastern Health Foundation

The McLeary Family Endowment fund was created with the intention of improving the health of our community by supporting programs that contribute to overall health and wellness. This year Bob and Wendy McLeary have chosen to support several community wellness programs with the disbursement from the fund: Tobacco and Vaping Cessation program for youth, Powerful Tools Caregivers Program, and Total Brain Health Program. The disbursement from the fund was a little short to fund all of these amazing programs but in a demonstration of their continued generosity Bob and Wendy wanted to top up the funds for to a total of $1200.00. These funds were presented at the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation (IEHF) annual general meeting in October.

Pictured L-R: Averill Stephenson, Executive Director IEHF; Bonnie Peloski, IERHA Wellness Facilitator; Bob and Wendy McLeary, Donors. 

Three Sisters Soup Recipe

Budget Friendly Recipe of the Month - Three Sisters Soup

Contributor: Kristen Ticknor, Registered Dietitian with the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority 

The main ingredients for Three Sisters Soup are perfect examples of how plants can grow in harmony with support for one another, providing nutrients and protection to each other to thrive. Corn, squash and beans have been planted together for centuries, and yield the ingredients used in this delicious, hearty, and economical soup, perfect any time of the year!

Find the recipe here!

It's Time to Get Vaccinated. Every Vaccine Counts.

2024 Respiratory Virus Season Update (includes Influenza/COVID-19/Pneumococcal Vaccines):

Clinics are scheduled across the Interlake-Eastern region. Please check our website for information.

Childhood Vaccine Update:

As children are heading back into the classroom, it is a good time to ensure that your child is up to date with their routine immunizations. These include their preschool boosters of Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis and Polio (TdaP-IPV) and Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (MMRV) vaccines. In addition, your child may be eligible for the recommended Men-C-ACYW-135 (Men Quad) vaccine. If you are unsure if your child is eligible for these vaccines are to schedule an appointment, please contact your local public health office.

Find a Community Health Office near you.

Susan Beddal, Healthcare Aide with the IERHA.

Join the Team!

Interlake-Eastern RHA Careers

You don’t have to go to medical school to work in healthcare. Susan started with us right out of high school and has built an incredible career that will last!

Interested in joining our team? We have opportunities available in most of our communities!

Explore Careers on our website: ierha.ca/careers

This information is available in alternate formats on request. 

Our next issue will be in circulation in December 2024.

Community Wellness Team Toll Free 1-877-979-9355

wellness@ierha.ca | ierha.ca

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