Our next Saturday Volunteer Day is on August 15, 2015 from 9 am to noon at our Main Pantry. This is a great opportunity for groups and families to volunteer together and for teens to get their community service hours. To sign up, please contact JoAnn Howansky, Outreach Manager, at 850-432-2053 or joann@mannafoodpantries.org.
Individual volunteer opportunities are always popping up! Right now we especially need volunteer drivers. For more info, contact Sherry Jones, Volunteer Coordinator, at 850-432-2053 or sherry@mannafoodpantries.org.
We are a local, grassroots non-profit and rely on your support to achieve our mission. To coordinate a food drive, fundraiser, group volunteer project or tour of our facility, please contact JoAnn Howansky, at 850-432-2053 or joann@mannafoodpantries.org.
Donate Online or deliver or mail a monetary donation to the address below. A donation of just $5 will provide a day of food (three meals and snacks) to a person in need. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm.
Drop off non-perishable food donations to the address below. Our Most Needed Items are: canned fruit (in natural juice), canned tomatoes, individually packaged breakfast items (cereal, grits, oatmeal), plain spaghetti (1 pound packs), plain rice (1 pound packs), and peanut butter (18 ounce jars). Warehouse hours are Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm.
Send feedback, comments or suggestions to joann@mannafoodpantries.org.