Helping Neighbors In Need | July 2015
Every Day, A Child Needs MANNA
DeDe Flounlacker, Executive Director

Raise your hand if there's a child in your life - son, daughter, niece, nephew, grand, neighbor. Go ahead - raise it high. Me too - 11,740 children. Because that's the number of hungry kids that MANNA provided food to last year. 

 Meet A Neighbor In Need
Debbie' s Story            
Single mom with teenage boys
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Debbie is a 39 year old single mother with two teenage boys.    Timothy is 13 and in middle school and Brandon is 18 and just started college last fall. About eight months ago Debbie lost her job. Since then she hasn't been able to find a new one. Her small savings has since run out and she's  exhausted all help from family and friends. To say that times are tough is an understatement. She says she's grateful to have a house that's paid for, but now she struggles to pay the utilities and to provide for her and the boys' most basic needs. A few months ago her oldest son Brandon went out and got a job to help her out. Now he juggles school and homework while working full time for minimum wage. Sadly he often skips meals so that his mom and brother don't have to go without. He's really ashamed that his family has had to ask for help from MANNA. Thanks to generous donors like you, we were able to provide them each with a 5 day supply of nutritionally balanced groceries. Debbie was also encouraged to apply for SNAP benefits until she was able to find a new job and referred to United Way's 2-1-1 service to connect her with other resources to meet some of their other needs. Debbie is just one of many single mothers in our community who struggle to provide food and other basic necessities for their children.  
  Program Spotlight - Fresh! Foods Initiative

Focus On Health

Fresh Foods! Initiative

MANNA is committed to providing the healthiest food possible to our clients. That's why we pack groceries for all of our pantries and programs following USDA Guidelines for a Healthy Diet. Even though it would be easier and much more cost effective for our organization to randomly put grocery bags together, we believe that we have a responsibility to those we serve and to our community to contribute to the health of our community. 

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  Want to get more involved?

Our next Saturday Volunteer Day is on August 15, 2015 from 9 am to noon at our Main Pantry. This is a great opportunity for groups and families to volunteer together and for teens to get their community service hours. To sign up, please contact JoAnn Howansky, Outreach Manager, at 850-432-2053 or


Individual volunteer opportunities are always popping up! Right now we especially need volunteer drivers. For more info, contact Sherry Jones, Volunteer Coordinator, at 850-432-2053 or


We are a local, grassroots non-profit and rely on your support to achieve our mission. To coordinate a food drive, fundraiser, group volunteer project or tour of our facility, please contact JoAnn Howansky, at 850-432-2053 or 


Donate Online or deliver or mail a monetary donation to the address below. A donation of just $5 will provide a day of food (three meals and snacks) to a person in need. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm.


Drop off non-perishable food donations to the address below. Our Most Needed Items are: canned fruit (in natural juice), canned tomatoes, individually packaged breakfast items (cereal, grits, oatmeal), plain spaghetti (1 pound packs), plain rice (1 pound packs), and peanut butter (18 ounce jars). Warehouse hours are Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm.


Send feedback, comments or suggestions to

Manna Food Pantries | 116 East Gonzalez Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 | 850-432-2053 |