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Everyday Injustice Newsletter - January 11, 2023

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Proposed Budget Foresee Closing Some Notorious Prisons

It is not going to save a lot of money but planned prison closures include Pelican Bay and Chino among other high profile prisons.

CDCR facility closures throughout the state will result in $150 million in ongoing General Fund savings. This will impact employment opportunities within impacted cities. 

These facilities include:  

  • Chuckawalla Valley State Prison in Blythe — March 2025  
  • California City Correctional Facility — March 2024 
  • Deactivation of specified facilities within six prisons by the end of 2023 
  • California Rehabilitation Center — Norco 
  • California Institution for Men — Chino 
  • California Correctional Institution — Tehachapi 
  • Pelican Bay State Prison — Crescent City 
  • California Men’s Colony — San Luis Obispo 
  • Folsom Women’s Facility — Folsom 

Activists immediately pushed for more.

“More prison closures must happen in California,” said Amber-Rose Howard, executive director of Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB), adding, “We’re calling on the legislature and Gov. Newsom to adopt such a roadmap, directly informed by the community.”

CURB said the state’s nonpartisan “Legislative Analyst’s Office produced a report in 2020 that outlined at least $1.5 billion annually in savings if California committed to closing five prisons by 2025.”

CURB’s released an analysis outlining savings from closing 10 prisons, detailing “approximately a $1.3 billion reduction in infrastructure and capital outlay spending and an additional $1.5 billion in prison operating expenses annually.”

We will have more on this later in the week.

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Criminal Justice News/ Commentary

After Gov Budget Announcement, Prison Closure Advocates Urge ‘Concrete Roadmap’ to Shuttering ‘At Least 7 More State Prisons’

Prison closure advocates Tuesday called for a “concrete roadmap” to the closing of more California prisons following the release of the state’s budget submitted by Gov. Gavin Newsome “failed” to provide the plan.

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Trump-Era Public Charge Lawsuit Comes to a Close

The US Supreme Court this week declined to review whether Texas and other states can reopen litigation challenging the Trump administration’s 2019 public charge rule.

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Guest Commentary: Is Death by Incarceration the New Normal for Aging Prisoners?

After decades of mandatory sentencing laws and reductions in parole, the number of aging inmates in our prisons has increased dramatically. Overzealous courts have levied harsh sentences and filled blue steel bunks with what I

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DOJ Holds Police Supervisor Accountable For Obstruction of Justice for Writing False Report to Cover Up Excessive Force by Other Officers

A former sergeant with the Muncie Police Department (MPD), in Muncie, Indiana, pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of obstruction of justice for writing a false report to cover up the excessive use of force by other MPD officers under his

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Biden Applauded After Signing Bill to End ‘Price Gouging’ of Incarcerated Phone Calls

The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) applauded legislation signed into law Monday by President Joe Biden that would end the “price gouging” of “families trying to stay connected to loved ones who are

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Everyday Injustice Special Episode: Pamela Price Historic Swearing In

Pamela Price made history on Monday, being sworn in by Oakland Mayor-Elect Sheng Thao, who herself made history as the first Hmong to be elected mayor of a major US City. Price became the first Black elected DA in Alameda County

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Attorneys – You Should Be Advertising Here
There are many reasons for attorneys to advertise on the Vanguard but the biggest are – affordability, large audience and key targets read the site.

Vanguard Incarcerated Press

The Long Walk, Standing on the Edge of Life

Sentenced to life without parole, I entered the Folsom State Penitentiary in December 1983 at the age of 21—too naive to understand the danger that awaited me, yet my fear was

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The Long Walk, ISUDT: Restoring Shattered Mirrors

Life without parole; for many it’s a point of no return. Where mortal man, stripped of their ambitions, stands naked and alone to face the meaning of life. Where mirrors are the windows to the soul, speaking words of truth we’d rather not

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Court Watch Coverage

Accused ‘Escorted’ Out of Court Room After Raising Concerns About Custody, Her Rights

A person accused here in Sacramento County Superior Court Monday of being in possession of narcotics and drug paraphernalia managed to get an apology out of the judge

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Everyday Injustice - Podcast

Everyday Injustice Special Episode: Pamela Price Historic Swearing In

Pamela Price made history on Monday, being sworn in by Oakland Mayor-Elect Sheng Thao, who herself made history as the first Hmong to be elected mayor of a major US City. Price became the first Black elected DA in Alameda County

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Everyday Injustice Podcast Episode 181: NCAJ on Failures of the Criminal Legal System

This week on Everyday Injustice we have NCAJ (National Center for Access to Justice) Policy Director Lauren Jones talking about their work on behalf of criminal justice reform.

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