Everyday Could Be Foam (aka Styrofoam) Collection Day
I’m sure you have all heard of the saying “necessity is the mother of invention."
It’s an expression that means if you really need to do something,
you will think of a way of doing it.
Foam Cycle was invented to help end the well-intended town
Styrofoam Collection Day events
Pictures and quotes from Foam Collection Day events throughout the country
"I was not expecting this amount of cars."
"People have saved their Styrofoam all summer."
"The reason we do this is because Styrofoam never breaks down (naturally)."
"Part of our congregational philosophy is to take care of the earth and be environmentally responsible."
Welcome to Foam Cycle
Now imagine if you lived in a city, county or town where you can simply drop off your foam packaging (aka Styrofoam) at a municipal recycling collection center any day you want. Foam coolers, TV, electronic and furniture packaging foam dropped off and recycled the same day it shows up at your home and not every 6 or 12 months. In this newsletter you will read about Foam Cycle success stories in FL, PA, NC and NJ and how Foam Cycle can help you get started channeling your residents desire to recycle into a sustainable long term recycling program that once and for all ends our planet's “foam problem". 

The patent-pending Foam Cycle systems come complete with a high efficiency foam densifier and custom made all weather metal housing that’s equipped with interior wiring, lights, fans, signage as well as an outdoor foam collection container.
Just plug it in and start recycling! 
Did you know that foam packaging is made from 98% air and when the air is safely removed the 2% polystyrene plastic that’s extruded (called an ingot) is very valuable and sold to companies to make new products? One of those recycled foam products is called Better Frame and you can read about it below
Green Team Helps Foam Cycle Revolutionize Styrofoam Recycling 
In late May 2019, The Foam Cycle/SCUMA Green Team from Montclair University in NJ took to the outside classroom and dug right in spending many days at the Sussex County, NJ landfill, operating the Foam Cycle system that was installed there. The team completed a list of deliverables that will forever change the perception that foam packaging waste cannot be recycled. Interested in learning about the teams work or about Foam Cycle’s new landfill airspace saving and cost avoidance metrics?
Email us today for more information at 
Did you know that if you fill a 53ft long trailer of loose foam packaging waste, it would weigh approximately 3500 lbs. (L)? With a Foam Cycle system, that same full trailer of loose foam would be densified and reduced to only 3 pallets of foam ingots (R). With 24 pallets of ingots shipped in a 53’ trailer (24 x 1500 = 36,000 lbs.), it would be the same as loading 10 trailer loads of loose foam. Reduced trucking is another way in which the Foam Cycle system helps our environment. 
Foam Cycle is an award winning system that began with a SWANA award in 2017 to our most recent New Jersey DEP Recycling award in 2020 (nice picture Beth). Our foam recycling successes is not based on fast talk or projections. Every pound of foam we recycle is weighted and documented using certified scales. No scale receipt, no recycling claim. Don’t you wish all recycling programs were held to this standard? 
Foam Cycle Success Stories 
In 2019, four Foam Recycling Coalition (FRC) grants for Foam Cycle systems were awarded to the locations listed below. Watch their videos and think to yourself...when is the last time your town, county, or city was involved in a recycling program that brought so much excitement to its residents? While at the same time, creating an environmental success story that saved valuable landfill airspace for generations to come. 

“St. Lucie County has residents who are passionate about recycling and the county has an amazing opportunity to address this need and provide new services for foam recycling to a population that truly is driven to keep these valuable materials from being landfilled.”.
“We’re about environmental stewardship and preserving landfill space.” 

“Most people will do everything they can to not throw things into the garbage if they think it can be recycled. 
The problem is Styrofoam had no alternative (for recycling) around here or anywhere close.” 

"While foam and Styrofoam aren’t recyclable in Greensboro’s recycling program, residents and businesses that want to recycle foam may now bring it to a new foam drop-off location provided by Tiny House Community Development." 

“The only way to recycle it is if it is densified. The whole program we’re implementing will be full circle.” 

Interested in applying for a Foam Recycling Grant (FRC)? Grants applications are
now being accepted and are due back by May 1, 2021! 

To find out more about the Foam Recycling Coalition grant application requirements click the link above or email Foam Cycle at We would be happy to help you with the application. 

Live in a smaller town or municipality with limited or no recycling grant funding? Or perhaps you’re an active member of a community Green Team in your town or at your college or university where you would like to install a Foam Cycle system so you can start recycling food service foam, packaging foam or both. 

Welcome to You Help, a non-profit fundraising site that can help you reach your recycling goals by having your community be part of the success story! Your Foam Cycle system would include a plaque with the names of each donor. Contact us for more information at 
Welcome to Better Frame, it's a picture frame made from recycled foam ingots that are generated from the Foam Cycle system. It’s the first closed-loop recycled picture frame made right here in the US. If a Better Frame is ever broken or no longer needed, you can simply send the frame back to be recycled. This one of a kind manufacturing process grinds the old frame and uses the resins to make a new frame helping to keep this one time waste material out of the waste stream for good! 

 Visit for more information. 
Pictured below is a Foam Cycle collection and densifying system at YOUR municipal recycling drop off site. Let us help you make this picture come true for you! 
Visit us at