Beverly Hills Bar, register for the live replay


Everyone's a Little Uncivil and Biased Too

Thursday, November 14, 10:45 am - 11:45 am Pacific via ZOOM

Join us for a re-airing of Everyone's a Little Uncivil and Biased Too. You’ll receive 100% participatory credit CLE for watching this program.

Jacqueline M. Simonovich, Weintraub Tobin, Kevin M. Benedicto, San Francisco Police Department, Sydney E. Allen, Benesch Law, and Professor Jordan Axt, McGill University Dept. of Psychology

As the State Bar has recognized in its new MCLE requirements, incivility is an increasing problem in the legal profession. It is important to acknowledge that all of us at times, either intentionally or more likely unintentionally, contribute to this problem by acting uncivilly based upon our own biases. Moderated by internationally recognized McGill University assistant professor, Dr. Jordan Axt, who focuses his research on the formation of intergroup bias, this program will explore why we form these unintentional biases. It will then untangle the nexus between unintentional biases and incivility, and how we can learn to recognize these biases in order to curb our own incivility.

This program qualifies for 1 hour of General Participatory Credit, Including Civility Credit in California. CLE materials can be viewed here: Download Materials.


You can only receive CLE credit for watching the program one time.

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