Absolutely, positively last chance to sign up!

Many organizations focus all their development efforts on chasing cash. They are effectively writing off 98% of their donors' wealth, which is held in non-cash assets. And it's non-cash assets which generate the win-win gifts for both the donor and the organization. What are the barriers to and the secrets of unlocking these gifts?

  • Move your organization from surviving to thriving

  • Are you on rubber chicken overload? Too dependent on your annual campaign? Starting every fiscal year at "ground zero?"

  • Stop twisting your donors' arms! Work with them to find solutions to their personal, financial and estate planning issues - while you create sustainability for your organization

  • Looking for a technical legal analysis of planned giving vehicles? Look elsewhere! We're looking at gifts from your donor's point of view!

  • Your annual campaign taps into a tiny fraction of your donor's wealth - planned giving is the key to unlocking the rest 

Planned giving seminars often concentrate on the arcane mechanics of gifting vehicles while ignoring the motivations of the donor. We take a detailed look at the donor's point of view; specifically how to identify the donor's financial and estate planning challenges, and how to address those challenges with planned giving. It's all about the donor!

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Presented by 

Richard Alan Lehrman, TrustLegacyLaw

(bio below registration link

- read it now so we won't have to waste time during the presentation)

Date: January 12, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM EST

Venue: Camillus House, BOA Community Room

Zoom: the luxurious accommodations of your own home*


  • AFP Current Members - $0 
  • AFP Former Members - $15 
  • AFP Future Members - $15
  • Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Members - $15
  • Grant Professional Association Members - $15
  • General Public - $15
  • VIPs (must show ID) - $15
  • Waited until the last possible second - $299


 * - or office

 Register here 

after registering we will send you a confirmation email (with logon link if you register for the virtual event)

Richard Alan Lehrman specializes in trust and estate planning and administration, philanthropic gift planning, business succession and generally keeping wealth in the family and structuring it to perpetuate the family's legacy. He is a featured lecturer (a fancy name for a "speaker") on these topics including seminars sponsored by nonprofit organizations and approved by the Florida Bar for continuing legal education credit. He authors articles on estate planning and planned giving for various charitable organizations. He consults with nonprofit organizations on gift planning and governance issues. He is an author of Legacy: Plan, Protect and Preserve Your Estate, Esperti-Peterson Institute, was a maintenance author of the Law on the Web Wealth Transfer Planning system, has appeared on PBS' Morning Business Report and has been cited as an authority in national publications such as Retire with Money (published by the editors of Money Magazine), the New York Times and in local publications such as the Miami Herald. He is listed in Who's Who in American Law and has a Martindale-Hubbell® AV® Preeminent™ rating for 25 consecutive years. 

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