Weekly Update
May 28, 2021
By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.
John 13:35
Jesus, Others, You. 
Philippians 2: 1-4, Paul has written these words.” Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, , united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interested of others.” 

 I want to introduce an idea to you that I heard and saw Andy Stanley recently talk about and share with us from a message we watched on tv.

The image here is to imagine a box marked DREAMS, HOPES and DESIRES. In this box are all of what you have in your mind for the future of your life, shared with others. It may include all types of things including your plans for home, work, family, personal growth, and the list can go on for each one of us. These dreams, hopes, and desires, become our expectation for the future of our lives. It boils down to what we expect our life to look like in the near and distant future.

This is now where the “tires hit the pavement”. Each of you brings to this moment a box full of dreams, hopes and desires, or expectations. You may think that you can each hold onto your box full of expectations and they will continue to be carried out just as you had individually planned.

I think it is time, right now, to dump each of your boxes out onto the table in full view of others, see what matches up, and begin to use only those as your expectations. Those goals or expectations will be easily met because they are the same. But the rest of them are the potholes or curves in the road that must be missed or negotiated around. The way you do that is answered in the scripture I just read.

Each of you must put the needs of others ahead of your own selfish interests or expectations. I will tell you that this is not easy to do, and there are many times that I have not followed this instruction. Maybe the WWJD would fit in here. Maybe analyzing the needs (expectations) others will help. Or maybe just conceding without anger or selfish desire or upset. Maybe, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Maybe, as Jesus said in John 13:35, “Love one another as I have loved you”. He also reminded us to always be servants to others, again putting their needs ahead of our own, but that has to been done in love, not begrudgingly.

As you each do all this in love, you will develop a loving, caring, giving relationship that will help to endure all the potholes and curves and mistakes that will occur.

Combine your boxes of dreams, hopes, and desires into common expectations that will guide you on your path. Remember what I said at the beginning ? Jesus, then others, then you. It is a perfect plan for us un-perfect people.

I want to close with this from Isiah 40:31 because it is one of my personal favorites. “Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get weary, they will walk and not faint.” So teach me Lord to wait.

Joy is yours as you wait on the Lord. Allow Him to guide your life from this day forward.
To watch this Sunday's live-streaming service click on this link "The Salvation Event"

Or go to youtube.com and search for "First Christian Church The Dalles"
You will also be able to watch any service at any time.

  • Please remember Kay Pratt and family.
  • Please pray for quick and complete healing for Shawn.
  • Pray that the world is united in Christ
  • Please pray for Andy & Karina for important decisions coming up.
  • Pray for a son who is struggling with his health and alcohol abuse, lonliness, etc.
  • Please pray for our children whose marriage is falling apart. Pray that the Lord draws them both back to Him and back together.
First Christian Church is looking for volunteers willing to serve the Lord with one of our Ministry Teams. We currently are looking for someone to head up our Body Life Ministry Team and our Education Ministry Team. 
If you have a heart to serve and want to be an encouragement to the body, please contact Harvey Hall (541-579-4508) or Rick Bachofner (541-478-2140).
  We finished well this week. The kids were totally engaged in our missionary story this week on Eric Liddell. Several want to do their "best for God" and we hope to have all but two families (moving out of state) back in September when we start up again.
 As pictured, we ended our clubs this week with ice cream and water fun. Jennifer tried using Maya Sandejas for a shield but got drenched anyway. We love our kids and will miss them.
  Please pray for our kids to have stored up in their hearts what they have learned this year and not fall away from knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior.

  Please continue to pray for Jennifer as she keeps on top of her classwork for her cefonline courses and gets her 20+ page paper completed.  
  We are planning NBC's this summer. We need to get one in for one of Jennifer's classes the second week of July. If you would like to host a club in your yard or would like to help in any way, please contact Jennifer at 541-296-3391.  
  We started the clubs in 1999 going to where the kids were and are blessed to still have those kids in and out of our lives from time to time. We get hugs and remembrances of when we brought them to FCC every Sunday for Sunday school after having them in one of our week long clubs. We have even enjoyed having a child in our GNC that is a second generation of our ministry.
  Please pray for open yards for clubs this summer, the helpers for these clubs, protection against the enemies attacks, follow-up of the kids and God to be glorified.
  We have been watching Samaritans Purse for pictures or videos of Ecuador in hopes of recognizing the boxes FCC sent last year. If anyone wants to see kids around the world receiving shoeboxes, you can go to Samaritanspurse.org and Operation Christmas Child Shoebox gifts to see the reason we love this ministry and the kids being reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  Please watch for sales on hygiene items, school supplies and toys. We would love to focus this month on soccer balls and ball pumps, Yo-Yos, more 3" bouncy balls and small toys for boys.
  If you have any questions or would like Jennifer and Joyce to help with your shopping, please let us know at 541-296-3391.
We have printed a new 2021 version of our church directory. Please be sure to pick up a copy and notify the office if you have any corrections. Thank you!
We're looking for a few enthusiastic folks to help welcome people to our worship services. If you are friendly, out-going and love to smile, talk to Randy Sparks (541-705-7326) about joining the team.
We also need a person or two to help with tracking attendance. Please contact Randy Sparks.
Israel flag
Pre- registration is open! Please go to https://christiantravelstudyprograms.net/ to pre-register. If you want information about the trip please contact Sarah Smith at (541)993-9874 or harsie_smith@yahoo.com.
May monthly goal $32,788.08
Received to date $31,049.45
Church Service Attendance Guidelines
1.  One service at 10:30am
2.  Enter church through either entrance.
3.  We are continuing to follow OHA guidelines:
. a. Face Masks are mandatory during entire service.
. b. Fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear masks or social distance.
. (we ask you to show your vaccine card once)
4.  If you are sick, sneezing, coughing, have a fever of 100.4º or more, stay home.
WHAT WE BELIEVE...The Dalles First Christian Church is an independent governed congregation with elder oversight. Our roots are found in the Restoration Movement. We follow the Lord’s plea for unity. We support all believers who accept Jesus as Lord of their lives. We don’t consider ourselves the only Christians, but “Christians only”. We look to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. We follow the New Testament in matters of faith and practice. We observe communion on a weekly basis and follow the Biblical pattern of conversion. Church members have exhibited their faith in Christ by belief, repentance, public confession of faith, baptism (immersion), and a continual faithful obedience to Biblical standards of living. We stand firm on the essential doctrines of the faith, but observe freedom in the non-essential areas of Christian life and belief.
First Christian Church, The Dalles
Watch for updates on Facebook and our website