November 17th, 2023

Elders Corner

One of the earliest memories I hold, of taking a sober look at my level of faith, was when a brother of much more maturity posed a kind of rhetorical question to me. He asked me to consider... "If I were an Ethiopian sheepherder, would I still be as thankful, outgoing and upbeat in my Christian walk?"

Curious question. 

If I were a shoeless, skin-and-bones, hand-to-mouth, baked-by-the-scorching-sun-man, that could only see another day ahead of me the same as yesterday, and no hope of anything better in my future in this wretched existence, but I knew Jesus as my savior, would I be a thankful, faith-filled and effective messenger of Christ's immeasurable gift of salvation, hope and love?

As I've come to understand it, the exact same amount of grace, the same amount of forgiveness and promise of eternal happiness awaits every believer, no matter our present lot in life, no matter our past or current situation; be it here in America or on the arid parched desert of Africa.

Do you suppose that Ethiopian sheepherder might think to himself, "It'd sure be easier to display my faith, if I wasn't scraping and scratching just to have enough to feed myself and my children another day, let alone to tell others about the promise and eternal joy I have in my heart because of my relationship with Jesus".

And yet we know, there are mighty men of God there, affecting lives with that exact message of the amazing grace available to all their brothers and sisters, in the eternity-changing name of Jesus, even this minute.

I wonder if the shepherd sets aside certain special days of the year to give thanks for all the worldly comforts and privilege he has, (making it that much easier to feel grateful) in this life. 

Lord , forgive me, and grant me a fresh level of Thanksgiving for the life of freedom and grace, of comfort and promise that I've been able to grow old in. 

You are my only hope, in Jesus' name.



  • Please pray for traveling mercies for my sons & family. They are traveling from Japan & Houston for Thanksgiving. ~ Cindy B.
  • Please pray over every box going to OCC that the child receiving them will know that they are loved by the Savior Jesus Christ. ~ Goodman's
  • Pray for Joyce's back & arm pain and continued dizziness.
  • Please pray for The Last Days of Jesus Pageant as we try to fill in cast & positions before the end of December. Pray for fundraising. ~ Goodman's
  • I need prayer for my health please. I've has this cancer before and it's back. I'm doing immunotherapy at home in hope to destroy the cancer. If not, I might have radiation & surgery. It's very painful & uncomfortable. ~ Kim

Livestream link for Sunday November 19th

"Grace...It Really Is Amazing!"

or go to 

search for "First Christian Church The Dalles"

You will also be able to watch any service at any time.

Get Your Worship On

Do you want to get a jumpstart on Sunday morning worship?  Click HERE for the songs that will be featured this coming Sunday.

Are you one of our awesome volunteers but perhaps forgot when you're scheduled to serve? Here is the November Volunteer Schedule


The CHT has concluded our meetings and will compile all the information & ideas in the coming weeks and present it to the Elders, the M.A.T. Team and the congregation.

Just a little reminder that all announcements and/or inserts for the bulletin & weekly email update are due by Wednesday noon to be included in the weekend publications. Anything received after that will be pushed to the following week.

Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday November 19th

following service

All members are encouraged to attend as we approve the 2024 Budget and confirm leadership recommendations.  


Chairman of the Congregation          

Art Van Eaton



Lynn Long  


no new trustees

2024 Budget $418,704 

If you would like a copy of the  proposed budget,

they are available in the office during regular office hours (7:30am - 3:30pm).

Who's Who?

Following the Annual Business Meeting on November 19th, we will have a Baked Potato Bar & Chili Feed. As part of the fun, we are asking for old photos of you. We will display them around the Fellowship Hall and see if people can guess Who's Who. You can give photos of a "younger you" to Nancy Love or bring them into the office. You can even send them to the church office as an email attachment ([email protected])


October 2023 budget amount $332,015.00

received to date: $309,871.49

spent to date: $286,436.50

WHAT WE BELIEVE...First Christian Church The Dalles is not affiliated with a denomination, instead choosing to be overseen by a team of elders. We consider the Bible to be the words of God, thus being incapable of error. As we seek a unified practice of our faith, we follow the teachings of the New Testament. We share communion each Sunday and follow the Biblical pattern for conversion. We support any who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord through belief, public confession of faith, baptism by immersion and continual obedience to Biblical standards of living. We hold firmly to essential doctrines but celebrate freedom in non-essentials as we seek to love God, love people, and make disciples who follow Jesus.
First Christian Church, The Dalles