January 17th, 2025


Prayer, both personal and corporate, is listed by First Christian Church as one of our "actual" core values (I Thes 5:16-18, Luke 18:1, and John 15:5,7). To that end, we do not limit prayer to mealtimes and bedtime. Multiple prayers are offered at our Friday night service, Sunday morning service, and at our several small group Bible studies during the week. At the end of our Sunday morning service we also offer personalized prayer by the elders in response to James 5:14 for those who are ill. But, it is not the efforts of the elders that have resulted in the improvement (and occasional healing) of those prayed for, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that effects the results. 

Even so, listening to, and even agreeing with, the prayers offered by others does not relieve the individual from the responsibility of individual prayer. I Thess 5:17 instructs each of us to "pray without ceasing," but if you are driving a car, keep your eyes open.  

Art Van Eaton

We would like the congregation to begin diligently praying for the man God has prepared and selected to be our Associate/Successor Pastor. We are near putting the announcement out. Our hearts are that the man will recognize God's call on his life and apply, and that we will recognize the applicant as God's call. 

  • Please continue to pray for my brother Mike Bartell. ~ Deb Morgan
  • Please pray for Zoey who has Covid. and Johan Myers who had a stroke. He is walking a little. ~ Evan
  • Thank you to everyone who helped with SOUPer Sunday. What a joyous way to bring this church family together!
  • Please pray for Randall & Shantelle as they are working hard to reach their goal. ~ Bonnie
  • Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength to remove myself from negativity and teaching me positiveness out of tough situations. ~ Bonnie
  • Pray for God to restore the relationships with my children to stay sober. ~ Carissa
  • Please pray for me and the appointment I have Tuesday with my surgeon to set up a treatment plan for me. ~ Jean
  • Please pray for Esperanza as she found out she has throat cancer. ~ Shellie

Livestream link for Sunday January 19th

"Christ-Centered Praying"

or go to youtube.com 

search for "First Christian Church The Dalles"

You will also be able to watch any service at any time.

Get ready to worship with us on Sunday January 19th. Here is a playlist of the songs we will be singing this week. Click here.

Are you one of our awesome volunteers but perhaps forgot when you're scheduled to serve? Here is the January 2025 Volunteer Schedule

Starting in 2025, we are implementing a new program where a love offering envelope will be placed in the bulletin each time we have a person sharing their ministry. Your contribution will be a way of showing our love and encouragment above and beyond our normal support for their building God's Kingdom at home and abroad. Thank you for blessing them in this way.

Listen to the song from last Sunday's sermon again. Read the words and let the message sink in.

Center of My Joy

Grace House Ministries

Portland Outreach

January 20th ~ 9am

We invite you to join us for an outreach to the homeless on the streets of Portland. We are looking for donations of sleeping bags, blankets, socks & shoes, gloves, beanies, clothing and anything else you want to bring. There will be a collection box in the Fireside Room next Sunday. Contact Will Tanner (541-300-1293) or Clyde Keizur (541-965-0684) for more info.

Youth Group

Youth Group for Middle School & High School meet 3-5pm on Tuesday January 21st downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Encourage all teens you know to join us and bring a friend!

Grief Share

Find hope and healing after the death of a loved one at this weekly grief support group. Covenant Christian Community Church Sundays 3-5pm beginning February 2nd. More information available: Joy Smith 541-314-4478


December 2024 budget amount $418,704.00

received to date: $368,888.32

spent to date: $391,588.10

WHAT WE BELIEVE...First Christian Church The Dalles is not affiliated with a denomination, instead choosing to be overseen by a team of elders. We consider the Bible to be the words of God, thus being incapable of error. As we seek a unified practice of our faith, we follow the teachings of the New Testament. We share communion each Sunday and follow the Biblical pattern for conversion. We support any who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord through belief, public confession of faith, baptism by immersion and continual obedience to Biblical standards of living. We hold firmly to essential doctrines but celebrate freedom in non-essentials as we seek to love God, love people, and make disciples who follow Jesus.
First Christian Church, The Dalles
