Prayer, both personal and corporate, is listed by First Christian Church as one of our "actual" core values (I Thes 5:16-18, Luke 18:1, and John 15:5,7). To that end, we do not limit prayer to mealtimes and bedtime. Multiple prayers are offered at our Friday night service, Sunday morning service, and at our several small group Bible studies during the week. At the end of our Sunday morning service we also offer personalized prayer by the elders in response to James 5:14 for those who are ill. But, it is not the efforts of the elders that have resulted in the improvement (and occasional healing) of those prayed for, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that effects the results.
Even so, listening to, and even agreeing with, the prayers offered by others does not relieve the individual from the responsibility of individual prayer. I Thess 5:17 instructs each of us to "pray without ceasing," but if you are driving a car, keep your eyes open.
Art Van Eaton