Don’t Miss Out On These Ministry Events!
Be sure to mark your calendar for all the focused ministry happenings coming your way. This Sunday be sure to attend “An Upbeat Prayer Concert” as the Body gathers at 3pm for one hour to pray for God’s leading and direction for future staffing and ministry at FCC.
Each week at FCC: Friday night service meets at 7pm; Sunday, Bible School meets at 9:15am and Sunday Service starts at 10:30am as we gather worship together.
Thursday October 31 our “Trunk or Treat” community outreach will be happening in the north parking lot from 4:30-6:00pm
November 3rd is Missions Sunday at FCC. Lynn Kent will bring “An Old-Fashioned Missions Sermon” along with messages from our foreign and domestic missionaries.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner so keep your eyes and ears tuned to all the dates and times to be involved in the life of the church.
All Eyes On Jesus!
Mike W.