Elevating the performance and impact of co-operative enterprises through customized business education and research. Connect with us at managementstudies.coop.
- Bursary applications due May 31
- Applications still open for Master's, Graduate Diploma & Certificate Programs
- Case study research: Suma and Arctic Co-operatives Limited
- International Governance Symposium June 17-19, Virtual
- CMEC - Not yet a member?
- Call for presenters and topics: ICCM Special Topics Webinar Series
- Secure your spot for short courses (governance and management) coming up in 2021
Online, part-time programs for co-operative and credit union professionals:
Join a growing network of leading co-operative practitioners, educators and academics from around the world and experience education in a co-operative learning environment. Deepen your understanding of the co-operative business model and develop tools to optimize its impact and your leadership performance, all while continuing to work full-time.
Join us for an online informational webinar to learn more about our programs and opportunities from the comfort of your home or office.
Or listen to a video recording here.
“I’ve very much enjoyed the Master’s program and experiences therein! Because of the program's design and flexibility, I could strive to find the balance between work-family-studies: things that I had been struggling with all my life. But the crucial ingredient to succeed is the bond between your colleagues in the cohort supporting-as-family (thank you to my 2017 cohort!). The co-operative tour to Italy was fantastic. We've learned so much from other co-operators and what great memories."
Sokchiveneath Taing Chhoan, Senior Manager, Socio-Economic Development (Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Québec (FCNQ))
The Centre’s working paper and case study series publish research papers and reports in the field of co-operative management, economics, and governance.
We welcome submissions from co-op researchers and practitioners who are interested in contributing to these series. Please contact cian.mcmahon@smu.ca for further details.
Suma is the largest equal-pay worker co-operative in Europe and has been in operation for over four decades. As a unionized wholefoods wholesaler, Suma is recognized for its ongoing commitment to social and environmental justice. This includes impressive wages, benefits, and working conditions; deep worker- member participation in co-op governance and management; and care for the surrounding community and natural environment. Read it here!
The Canadian Arctic is home to one of the most effective co-operative networks in the world focused on serving remote and low-resource communities. Arctic Co-operatives Limited is a federation owned and controlled by 32 independent multi-purpose co-operative stores. Given the geographic dispersal of its communities, communication can be challenging in the Arctic; but the Co-op strives to ensure that interaction and exchange between and within the membership is regular and reciprocal. Arctic Co-operatives is a dynamic enterprise, continually reaching for new ways to enhance services, alleviate risk or otherwise increase the wellbeing of member stores and their communities. Read it here!
Becoming a member of CMEC provides direct access to a unique, global network of co-operators, an open door to the latest management and governance insights, and allows you to demonstrate your commitment to the power of co-operatives. You, your members, staff, and board can all benefit from CMEC membership, so join us!
"The ICCM is a stand-out organization in higher education, training and research on co-operative enterprise. Expert, engaged, personable, innovative, hard-working and keenly aware of crucial issues that overlap with co-operative values and practices -- racial, gender and environmental justice central among them. The Centre makes an truly outstanding contribution to the co-operative movement worldwide."
Fred Freundlich, Professor & Research Fellow, LANKI Institute for Cooperative Research, Faculty of Humanities & Education, Mondragon University
We host free webinars offered by sector leaders on special topics in co-operative business, management, governance, economics, as well as, social movements. Check out our previous webinar recordings here.
Do you have a concept for our next webinar series in fall 2021and winter 2022? We welcome new speakers and topics! Please reach out to cme@smu.ca to explore further.
Virtual 2-day course Excellence in Member-centric Governance and Management
September 15 & 16
Discuss and debate the many facets of the membership aspect of co-operatives, including: people-centred management, ownership and control, and network governance. Grapple with the unique challenges inherent in leading and managing co-operatives while including voice, representation, participation, and engagement of people at the core.
Special registration packages are offered for organizations registering five+ individuals. For more information, visit our website.
Virtual 2-day course Operationalizing the Co-operative Identity – Strategy to Practice
October 20 & 21, in collaboration with NCBA-CLUSA’s Co-operative IMPACT Conference.
Dig deep into co-operative identity including how purpose, values, and principles translate into enterprise strategy and effective practice. Finish the course with a rich set of concepts, tools, and examples.
Course registration is available through the Cooperative IMPACT Conference system. Until registration launches, we welcome expressions of interest to erin.hancock@smu.ca
For more information, please visit our website.
#GoCoop; People support co-operatives; Co-ops can too, with associations.
We are so pleased to see Adam Trott's research on the role and impact of co-operative associations published in the Winter edition of the Cooperative Business Journal, published by the National Cooperative Business Association. This article is a summary of a research paper published by the Centre, stemming from his Master's research. See page 12.
Beyond Profit: Human Dignity as the Ultimate Measure of a Co-operative’s Success.
Want to get to know our Program Manager for Co-operative Management Education, Erin Hancock, a bit better? Read this interview about her orientation to co-ops and why she does what she does. Erin also serves on the boards of iNova Credit Union, the Bus Stop Theatre Co-operative, the Community Housing Management Network Co-operative, and the World Council of Credit Unions Young Professionals Affiliates Council.
Round Sky Solution's Mapping Out Power Worksheet
We are pleased to share Round Sky Solutions's free 'Mapping out Power Worksheet' for analyzing and shifting power in co-operative teams. This worksheet will demystify power dynamics and ways to further humanize and democratize your organization. We would like to celebrate 3rd year Master's student Rebecca Fisher-McGinty who is leading this and other related initiatives.
Canada’s hidden co-operative system: The legacy of the Black Banker Ladies
Black diaspora women, known as Banker Ladies, lead solidarity economics through a form of mutual aid called Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs). In this lecture by Dr. Shenaz Hossein, learn about the role of ROSCAs in enabling livelihood and social safety. Consider the implications for the co-operative movement and policy makers. Listen here.
CASC Congress 2021: Northern Alternatives: Democratizing and Decolonizing Co-operative Theory and Practice - June 2-4, Online.
Check out the latest news from CEARC.
The results are published from CCSC's 2020 Top Co-op Issues Survey - an annual survey that asks co-operative leaders what they view as the most pressing concerns facing co-operatives today.
We are grateful to our generous supporters! If you want to join them in contributing to bursaries, click here.
International Centre for
Co-operative Management
Socials: @CoopMgmt
The International Centre for Co-operative Management at Saint Mary's University is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded and never surrendered territory of the Mi'kmaq. The Mi'kmaq have stewarded this land since time immemorial. It is covered by the 18th century Treaties of Peace and Friendship.