Provoked to Good Deeds
By Lydia Mulkey
March 22, 2023

And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
~Hebrews 10:24-25

This week I have talked with a family planning a memorial service, checked in on a family who just bought a new house, listened to folks who have been in conflict, heard about church members showing up for one another in a crisis, witnessed you giving each other rides when car trouble strikes, and praying for one another. There are certainly times when being in community feels challenging and it seems it would be easier to go it alone, but then there are times like this week when I am reminded of why we do this.

We have had a newcomers class gather for the last several weeks and hearing why they chose this community and what they hope to bring to it is inspiring. They will be invited to join in our membership covenant, which guides us in being a community of faith. In case you need a refresher, here is what it says.

Members of this Church further covenant together to:
• Follow and model the ways of Jesus Christ, humbly striving to be faithful disciples;
• Search for an honest understanding and expression of Christian faith, through
worship, education, and involvement in the wider community;
• Nurture, care for, and support each other, celebrating joys, extending support in times
of doubt, grief and struggle, and working in good faith to restore relationships in times of
• Engage and share in the life of the Church, contributing our talents and resources to its
purpose and ministries and seeking connection through Church events;
• Advocate for people who are poor, marginalized and oppressed, seeking justice and
peace in the world;
• Practice inclusion by valuing people of all races, ethnicities, cultural identities, gender
identities, sexual orientations, and abilities in every aspect of our congregational life.

I think this is a beautiful expression of who we seek to be with one another. This week, I invite you to consider, how are you fulfilling the membership covenant? How are you showing up for others in this community of faith? How can you continue to fulfill it ever more faithfully?

One opportunity to fulfill the covenant is to join us for our soup supper TONIGHT in the chapel from 5-7:30 p.m.! Come to nurture, care for, and support each other.