In direct response to customer feedback, bioMérieux has released a feature called C. difficile Select. This feature gives users running the BIOFIRE GI Panel on either the BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Torch or the BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® 2.0 System the option to either always report C. difficile results or never report C. difficile results based on the pouch module installed on the instrument.
Like our other BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Panels, the BIOFIRE GI Panel takes a syndromic approach to infectious disease diagnostics. The BIOFIRE GI Panel identifies 22 clinically relevant targets, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites, with results in about an hour. The BIOFIRE GI Panel has been shown to reduce time to results,1 increase diagnostic yield,2 and help clinicians prescribe targeted therapy sooner.3,4
Now, C. difficile Select gives laboratories new flexibility to implement the panel in a way that’s best for their institution.