May 2, 2022
Dear parents and guardians of next year's Grade 9 students,

We are excited to share some news with you about changes to the High School Division.

Full-year Schedule

Next year, the Mentor College High School Division will be returning to a full-year programme. Here is the timetable:
This new timetable change provides several benefits. The pace of learning decreases, allowing students ample time to practice skills and to consolidate knowledge. Courses scheduled over two days offer opportunities for students to seek extra help prior to the next lesson or assessment, if necessary. A common lunch time encourages student involvement in a variety of clubs, sports, and activities. As always, our teachers assist students in staying organized in their course work. Our guidance counsellors support students in balancing and managing their individual course load.

We are pleased to announce the introduction of our One-to-One Device Programme for all students entering Grade 9 in the 2022-2023 school year. These students will be provided with a premium Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 to use for school work both at school and at home. These devices will offer students access to Edsby, Microsoft 365, and all relevant course materials. 

Providing students with these devices will also facilitate the delivery of the new Ontario Ministry of Education graduation requirement for online courses. The Ministry has announced that, as a requirement to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), all students must complete two online learning credits.

Q: How will students complete the online learning requirement at Mentor College?

A: All Grade 9 students will be enrolled in Introduction to Information and Communication Technology in Business (BTT1O). While the course will be delivered in an online asynchronous format, it will take place during the school day in a teacher-supervised classroom. Students will use their school-issued Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 to complete course work during this time and will also have the flexibility to finish work at home. In Grade 10, the online course will be Civics and Careers (CHV2O/GLC2O).

Q: My child has already completed course selection and did not choose Information and Communication Technology in Business (BTT1O). How will this affect his/her class schedule?

A: If your child did not select Communication Technology in Business (BTT1O), then Canadian History Since World War I (CHC2D) will be replaced with Communication Technology in Business (BTT1O). This will allow your child to keep his/her chosen electives. Your child will be enrolled in Canadian History Since World War I (CHC2D) in Grade 10.

Q: Can we opt out of this requirement?

A: Yes, parents can have their children opt out of this requirement. If you opt out, your child will complete his/her courses in-person, including the BTT1O course. Future courses can still be completed online if the family so chooses, but will no longer be mandatory. There is no impact on graduation if you opt out.

If you wish to have your child opt out of this requirement, please reply to this email with "opt out" in the body of the email. We will then provide you with the next steps.

If you opt out, your child will still be issued a device. There are other opportunities in other classes where the device will be used.

Q: Is all course material and course work going to be online?

A: No. While the Introduction to Information and Communication Technology in Business (BTT1O) course will be entirely online (unless you opt out), the Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 is meant to be used as a tool at the classroom teacher’s discretion. There will still be many times when pen and paper classwork and assessments will be completed. Students will continue to choose if they wish to take notes by hand or using their school-provided device.

Q: Are there any additional fees charged for my child to use a Microsoft Surface Laptop 4?

A: No, you are not required to pay any additional fees above and beyond the tuition. 

Q: What software is included on the device?

A: The device comes loaded with all educational applications that your child requires. This includes full versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, and OneNote.

Q: How does my child get help with his/her school-issued device?

A: The Student Technology Help Desk staff will be available to provide support for the school-issued Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 issued to your child. The includes hardware and software support. The device will be supervised, managed, and maintained by the school.

Q: What happens in the event that the device lost, stolen, damaged, or left at home?

A: The incident should be immediately reported to the Student Technology Help Desk. A loaner device will be issued until the issue is resolved. Each device includes accidental damage warranty coverage. 

Q: My child already owns a laptop. Can he/she use it at school instead?

A: No. In order to be able to provide support and effective supervision, only school-provided devices will be permitted in class and on the school Wi-Fi.

Q: Can the device be used for non-educational purposes?

A: The device is for educational purposes only. The device should not be used for gaming, social media, and other non-educational purposes. The device is equipped with software to restrict and monitor usage.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out by calling the school at 905-271-3393 or by replying to this email.
David Whyte
High School Division
Randy Hall
Vice Principal
High School Division
Aneil Panchal
Assistant Vice Principal
High School Division
Mentor College
Leading by example. Inspiring excellence.