We're Open
Year 'Round!
Our shop is normally open:
Monday - Saturday:
10am - 5pm
12 noon- 5pm
We're also available after hours by appointment, and you can
shop online 24/7 at:
Or give us a call at:
If you or your loved-ones need accommodations, send them over to our converted 18th century farmhouse,
Chatham Guest Rooms
. We have been very
well reviewed
on TripAdvisor!
Planning your summer adventure?
If you visit the Cape, we recommend you stay in one of our rooms at Chatham Guest Rooms! The rates are reasonable and you will be staying in the building that is home to Maps of Antiquity! You can pop in to look at maps quite easily during business hours. Book early because the summer will fill up quickly!
We hope you are having a fabulous start to your new year! We are very happy to be bringing you another collection of new acquisitions. January has allowed us to settle into the quieter season here on Cape Cod with more time to add maps for sale to our online collection. We've only had a little snow this year and below-freezing temperatures can change to unseasonably warm weather overnight. Our store is open year 'round and we have had some intrepid adventurers braving the cold and stopping in lately!
Our staff has slowly reduced to only Bob and Perri, so the pace of new items being added has naturally reduced as well. If you know someone in the Chatham area who would love to work here, we might be hiring, if the fit is right!
As always, you can see our recent acquisitions by
visiting our Newly Listed category, which is updated as often as we can manage. If you are looking for something specific, we recommend using the 'Search' function at the top of our website or the menu on the left side of the web page. It is advisable to v
iew our website on a computer (not mobile) for best image quality and enlargement.
New Items for January/February 2020:
(in no particular order)
The Countie And Citie of Lyncolne |
The Province of Connaugh with the Citie of Galwaye |
John Speed is one of the best known English mapmakers of the early modern period. These maps feature the wavy water and Spencerian script that are distinguishing features of Speed's maps. They are from one of the earlier editions of Speed's renowned "Theatre Of The Empire Of Great Britain" probably c.1612-1616.
All reproductions are clearly indicated.
Antique nautical chart, showing Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket
Antique dredging plan for Mitchells River and Mill Pond in Chatham, MA
Being in Chatham, we are particularly fond of maps of the Cape and Islands! We endeavor to keep a diverse supply of town maps, coast charts, nautical charts, and county maps. Occasionally we come across something unusual, like the dredging plan above!
Corsica and Sardinia, South America |
Does an ornate decorative border make you giddy? If so, these lovely maps by Brion de la Tour will leave you weak in the knees! They feature decorative cartouches and original coloring.
This desirable map of what is now the United States was made when Florida belonged to Spain and the middle of the country belonged to France as the Louisiana Territory. It includes several notable cities, including Santa Fe and Chicago, when they were forts or settlements.
We have added many delightful pictorial maps to the website lately, including the Story Maps of Ireland and Scotland, the Adirondack Picture Map, a map of the Oregon Trail, a "Salty Map of Cape Ann," a bright Long Island Sound map, and a board game map produced by American Airlines, Milton Bradley, and Cheerios!
Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes - Extrait d'une Carte Japonoise de l'Univers - 1775 |
On this sheet are two fascinating early maps (both copied from other map sources) of the Bering Sea area. The upper map by Buache shows the newest discoveries in the northern Pacific acquired primarily from the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions. The full title of the lower map translates to "Extract from a Japanese map of the universe brought to Europe by Kampfer and deposited in the cabinet of the late Mr. Han-Sloane, president of the Royal Society of London."
Roman Empire; Greece; Italy; Ireland- 1821 |
A few new faces have joined our Lavoisne maps. These maps are notable for the wealth of information about the country in the text along the sides of the maps. Lavoisne also produced fascinating historical charts, such as the Pantography of Modern History, parts 1 and 2. These maps will surely capture the hearts of history buffs and scholars of antiquity.
Souvenir de Fontainebleau, France
Foret de Fontainebleau - 1880
This map is not new to our website but it is a staff favorite that we feel deserves to be seen and appreciated! Not only is it lovely and informative, but it has sparked some great conversations about traveling in France.
Find us on Social Media for more updates |
Do you tweet, follow, like, and pin? Well, Maps of Antiquity has an active Facebook page where we post map-related articles, unusual maps and prints that we add to our website, company news, and answers to frequently-asked questions.
On Pinterest, we display some of our maps and prints and add opinions and comments about specific pieces. We also provide boards with decorating ideas.
On Twitter, Maps of Antiquity offers links to articles and brief news. We also periodically update Google Plus and LinkedIn with company news and product information.
Follow us on Instagram for fun posts like #MapMonsterMonday and snapshots of the shop!
So if you are spending time on social media, be sure to look us up. Also, if you have a preferred social media where you think we should be active....let us know!