Did you know CVIY Employees may take out Optional Critical Illness Insurance?
Employee’s of CVIY are reminded that when eligible and enrolling for your health and dental benefits, the on-line application will ask you whether you wish the Optional Critical Illness coverage for either yourself, your dependent or your dependent children and the dollar amount of coverage you wish to take.
If you choose to accept the Optional Critical Illness coverage, you are reminded that all premium costs are paid 100% by the employee. The employer does not contribute a portion of the cost for this benefit.
This coverage can be quite costly and every five (5) years, your premium costs go up. One needs to be cognizant of this to make an informed decision as to whether you want this coverage or not.
More information on the coverage and a table of the associated premium costs can be found on our website: www.commissionairesviy.ca. Click on the Employee Resources link in the upper right corner of the page and when asked for your password, enter your four (4) digit corps number. (ie: 7777). RCMP Detention Guards, enter your corps number as is (ie: 40321). Look under Document Library for; GroupHealth Optional Critical Illness Coverage Application and click on that link.
Should you choose the coverage and then realize afterwards you made a mistake and do not wish it, cancelling the coverage is not an easy process. A formal letter is required by you, addressed to GroupHealth explaining in detail why you wish the coverage terminated. The letter once ready and signed and dated, is to be submitted to Natasha MacKinnon who will forward it to GroupHealth and keep you advised of the progress. GroupHealth, not the employer, will decide as to whether the coverage will be terminated. Until such time as it is, you will be responsible to pay your premium costs for this coverage.
Contact Natasha MacKinnon at Natasha.Mackinnon@cviy.ca or 778-405-1063 for the email address(es) for whom you need to contact.
If there are any premiums owed, you are solely responsible for them, and arrangements will need to be made with Heidi in payroll heidi.dominy@cviy.ca or 250-727-7755 ext 113 as to the recovery of any monies owing.