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Exciting News: Preserving Our Legacy and Building a Bright Future at Saint Clement!

Dear Saint Clement Community, 

In every chapter of our rich Catholic history, our community members have stood together to ensure that Saint Clement not only remains active but thrives. From keeping our school doors open to continuing to serve the less fortunate around us. Our legacy is not just a testament to our past; it is an opportunity to forge a brilliant future for those who will follow in our footsteps. 

Saint Clement stands as one of the most exquisite worship spaces in the city and beyond. The church was constructed with such excellence that for the first time in its 100-year history, the dome's structure requires reinforcement to ensure it stands strong for another century, uniting heaven and earth in worship before God. 

This project has been meticulously studied by our own and external experts under the leadership of Mark Sexton, Paul Link, and Frank ten Brink, as well as engineers and architects from the Archdiocese of Chicago over the last three years. Through a thoughtful process of discernment, together with the Archdiocese officials we have selected one of three restoration proposals presented by Berglund Construction, a renowned group of experts in their field. 

While the dome itself remains structurally sound, extensive corrosion at the base of all sixteen trusses leaves us with no choice but to undertake this project now to preserve our sacred space and continue using it safely for generations to come.  

While the project was approved to start this spring, as a community we will engage this fall in a capital campaign that will enable us to pay for this project and numerous of other legacy projects we need to undertake in the next 3 years. The first phase of the external dome restoration will kick off in early April with the preservation of our iconic dome to continue. This $2.6+ million project, approved by the Archdiocese of Chicago, will ensure that our dome remains an inspiring center for worship and storytelling for years to come.

While this renovation work progresses externally, with scaffolding and construction equipment visible along the church's east and west sides, we are not anticipating any impact to the inside of the dome. Scheduled to commence in April, this project is expected to conclude by the end of October 2024 when other restoration projects will start. 

We are thrilled to navigate these changing times with resilience, guided by strong leadership of our members and an engaged parish family. As we celebrate our legacy, expand our community, and fortify our future through this capital campaign, we invite you to join us on this transformative journey. 

Stay tuned for more updates on the Dome project in the weeks ahead. Our Legacy. Community. Future. capital campaign will be unveiled to all parishioners in Fall 2024. For any inquiries about the campaign, and your willingness to help us with the cost of the dome restoration please contact Delaney Paul, our Director of Stewardship & Development.


Fr. Peter Wojcik

Pastor of Saint Clement Parish 

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