Ventress Voice
February 2021, Volume 4, Issue 2
Exciting news! After a three-week closure, we are once again open to the public for in-person hours three days a week! We are now open Wednesday 11:00 a.m. - 7:45 p.m., and Thursday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. (the first hour of each day is reserved for seniors and other high-risk patrons.) We're still taking temperatures and contact information at the door for contact tracing purposes. We invite you to browse and use the computers for up to an hour - click here for additional information. The Children's Room is open by appointment only - sign up here. We are still open for curbside pickup and if you're only picking up holds, we encourage you to use curbside pickup and avoid coming into the library.
Also, It’s that time of year again! Join us in participating in the Bruins PJ Drive! We are asking for newly purchased pajama donations for any age group from birth through teens. Pajama donations can be either dropped in the outside drop box tied in a plastic bag or put in the indicated box in the foyer of the library (during in-person hours).
Winter Backyard Birds
Join us on Saturday, February 13 from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. for “Winter Backyard Birds”. This event is supported by a grant from the Marshfield Cultural Council, which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council. In this Zoom presentation, Steve Hale follows an interactive, bird-quiz format that enables the audience to test their own knowledge and ask their own online follow-up questions. The first part of this presentation addresses the topic of the annual Audubon Bird Count and provides information on how newcomers can participate in a count near them. The second part of the presentation discusses some of the common and not-so-common birds that may be found in your backyards and neighborhoods in Summer time.
Advance registration is required. Sign up here!
Board Games
We have an all new circulating board game collection just outside the teen room! We are excited to release this collection to support screen-free family time alternatives. More board games will be added throughout the month of February. Board games are available for local pickup only and must be returned to the Ventress Memorial Library only. Board games circulate for two weeks at a time and do not incur overdue fines. For more information or to peruse our list of available games, please click here.
We would also like to thank Goodwill Hunters of Marshfield for their generous support of this project by supplying $300 to help us purchase the neoprene cases that the games are packaged in.
Children's Updates
The Children’s Room is ready for February! Miss Wendy and Miss Jen have come up with some super fun activities for Vacation week. You can now register here for your kit to join in our at home Terrific Tea theme day on Tuesday, February 16. And you can register here for ourTicket to Ride all things trains day on Thursday, February 18. Both of these days will feature kits to bring our theme to you.
On Wednesday, February 17, we are pleased to host a Flat Animal Sleepover. What is a flat animal sleepover - you ask? Good question! This is your chance to see your favorite pet or stuffed animal enjoy a sleepover at the library! Please send an image of your pet or your favorite stuffed animal to by February 15 to participate. We will add them to the group of 'flat friends' who will be reading and playing at the library all night long! During the sleepover, we will post photos on our social media and website so you can see the activities of your flat pets and stuffed animals while they're here!
The Ventress Children’s Room is looking for gently used American Girl Doll donations, as we hope to create something wonderful with them. If you have a doll that you would like to donate, please call Miss Wendy or Miss Jen at (781) 834-5535 for further information.
Lastly, we value your feedback and would like to know what new kits and events you would like the library to offer! Please take a few moments to take the programming survey on our website.
South Shore Teen Book Buzz is Back
After a brief hiatus in January, our popular Instagram livecast is back, with book talks by even more teen librarians across the South Shore. This month, Ventress Memorial Library is hosting! Tune in this month on Tuesday, February 16 at 3:30 p.m. for a 30 minute livecast on Instagram @ventressteenlib. Past Book Buzzes are saved in our highlights, and you can check out past book lists here! For a complete schedule of monthly themes, dates, and hosting libraries, click here.
Register Now for a February Loot Bag
We still have spaces available for tweens in grades 4 & 5, and for teens in grades 6 - 12, to claim a February Loot Bag. The theme this month for tweens is Pokemon! and the theme for Teens is Comics! Register by Sunday, February 21. Please note that we strive to fill all Loot Bag registrations the final week of the month; all registrants will receive an email when Loot Bags are available for pickup. For more information, dates and themes for upcoming Loot Bags, click here - for tweens and for teens.
Library Hours:
Senior & High Risk Only Hours: Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Thursday & Saturday, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
All Patrons: Wednesday, 12:00 - 7:45 p.m., Thursday & Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Children's Room Hours:
By appointment only. Wednesday, 12:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday & Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Senior & High Risk Only Hours:
Wednesday, 11:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Thursday & Saturday, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Ventress Memorial Library
15 Library Plaza
Marshfield, MA 02050
(781) 834-5535
Curbside Pickup Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. -
8:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday:
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.