Spring 2018 News

Dear BHS Parents, Faculty, and Community,

As the 2017-18 school year comes to a close, we'd like to share some exciting news from the Innovation Fund: the integration of 3 classes into the PSB budget; the continuation of existing classes and programs; the introduction of a new program; and a welcome to our Innovation Fellow We are so grateful for the work of the teachers who bring their energy and enthusiasm to Fund courses, the school and district leadership for supporting them, and the students who bring them to life. Get ready to celebrate 20 Years of Innovation and Save the Date for our annual Gala-Rama!

Fund Courses Integrated into the Public Schools of Brookline Integrated
photo by Sander Sorok
Racial Awareness Seminar 
BHS Faculty: Malcolm Cawthorne and Kate Leslie
*fostering a learning community empowered by the rich diversity of identities and perspectives at BHS* 

This year-long co-taught Social Studies sophomore elective course explores the complexities of race within our national, local, and high school communities. Students engage in experiential learning activities and attend school or community events that enhance their racial understanding. 

EPIC (Experiential, Project-based, Innovative, Capstone) 
BHS Faculty:  Stephanie McAllister and Ben Berman
*a senior year alternative providing a hands-on, project-based experience*

With the support and guidance of BHS teachers, as well as experts and mentors outside of the school, students design, execute and present their own personal passion projects. Through reading and research, engagement with experts in the field, experimentation, revision and collaboration, students immerse themselves in the process of creation.

History as Film / 
Film as History 
BHS Faculty:  Thato Mwosa and Mark Wheeler
*exploring how history and documentary film intersect*

In this Social Studies/Visual Arts collaborative course, students explore how history is documented in written form and in documentary film.  Students engage in developing critical thinking skills as collaborative learners from multiple disciplines, perspectives and understandings. 

This year, students (above) won 3rd place in C-SPAN's StudentCam 2018 Video Documentary Competition.
photo by Sander Sorok
Mindfulness Initiative: one-year extension
BHS Faculty:  Elizabeth Gorman
A school-wide initiative that integrates strategies for managing stress and building resiliency, transforming BHS into a healthier, less stressful place to learn and work.  

Engineering Innovation by Design: third year of funding
BHS Faculty:  Aubrey Love and Andrew Maglathlin 
This year-long Engineering/ Visual Arts course integrates principles of engineering and aesthetics to allow students to move into the creation of 3-D products that are functional and aesthetically pleasing, using the BHS makerspace.
Finding Yourself in the Curriculum: new program
BHS  Faculty Marika Aibhai, Elizabeth Crane, and Julia Rocco  
A school-wide initiative umbrella that serves as a vehicle for learning and reflection about self-identity, for building empathy for others, for promoting awareness regarding power and privilege, for inspiring action, and for furthering the content goals of our courses.  

The role of the BHS Innovation Fellow is to:
  • Help spark interdisciplinary conversation and collaboration among faculty
  • Seek out examples of innovation outside the walls of the high school that could potentially be adapted for BHS
  • Work with BHS administration and the Innovation Fund to support innovative projects and ideas, small or large, that develop at BHS
  • Engage with the Fund's growing social media presence
  • Support Fund initiatives and events
We can't wait to see what Mr. Williams will do!

Want to join the fun helping us celebrate 20 Years of Innovation? We are looking for parents and community members to help with everything from brainstorming to one-time event staffing... all volunteers are welcome! 

Email Stacey Zelbow for more information at bhsinnovationfund@psbma.org

Get ready for Gala-Rama!

Thursday, November 15th 2018

Cheeky Monkey Brewing Company at Jillian's Lucky Strike

The only all-grade parent social event at BHS!

Email Stacey Zelbow for more information at bhsinnovationfund@psbma.org

Tell Us Your Story!
Have you participated in a Fund class or program as a student, teacher, or observer? We want to hear your story! 

Email Stacey Zelbow  at  bhsinnovationfund@psbma.org or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

* Thank You *
Thank you, parents and community members, for your generous ongoing support of the BHS Innovation Fund. As the school year comes to a close, please consider a donation to support the inspiring work done by Brookline High School's incredible educators. Perhaps a gift to honor your graduating senior or other hardworking student in your family? 

Have a wonderful summer. We'll see you in September!