Multifamily Program Raters and Contractors:

We would like to announce an important change to the Southern California Regional Energy Network (SoCalREN) Multifamily Program:

Any project reserved on or after June 1, 2019 that meets program requirements and reaches a minimum of 10% in improved energy efficiency will be eligible for incentives (previously, the threshold was 12%).

See below for details on the incentive amount per unit based on energy efficiency improvement:
We look forward to working with you to bring energy efficiency opportunities to multifamily communities served by Southern California Edison (SCE) and SoCalGas ® .

Please contact Leslie Diaz-Villavicencio with any questions or concerns.

Email | Call (213) 312-1716

Thank you for your participation in the SoCalREN Multifamily Program.
SoCalREN | Email | Visit Our Website