Exciting Things to Come!
Your Monthly Update From Lead-Free NJ
August 12, 2021
Hello Friend! Thank you for subscribing to Lead-Free NJ’s monthly newsletter. Our newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the collaborative’s work and what’s going on throughout the state related to issues you’re passionate about, including protecting children from lead poisoning and equitable lead policy change. Most importantly, the newsletter will provide you with opportunities to work with us to #GetTheLeadOut. We know that so many emails come into your inbox, but we hope you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to stay connected!
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Calling all Lead-Free NJ members!
Can you spare five minutes to complete a brief survey?
We need your opinion about Lead-Free NJ.
Your responses will help us explore members’ needs and perceptions in order to evaluate the collaborative’s strengths and weaknesses. The results of the survey will be reviewed by the Steering Committee to develop a plan for continuous collaborative improvement and will be shared with the membership.
By submitting a completed survey you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Visa gift card!
Lead Exposure Listen and Learn Session
Jersey Water Works, in partnership with Lead-Free NJ and East Trenton Collaborative, will hold a virtual 1.5-hour Listen and Learn session on August 26, 2021 at 5:30 pm to gather grassroots feedback from residents in high-lead communities regarding exposure to lead in water and paint. Lead-Free NJ members are invited to listen in. To access the event live, click here.
About 3,500 children in NJ are lead-poisoned every year. Many of these children reside in low-income communities and/or communities of color and are most at risk because investments have not been made to remove lead from its most common sources—paint, water, and soil. Lead-Free NJ is a collaborative made up of neighbors, friends, families, faith leaders, professionals, and elected officials working together to #GetTheLeadOut.
A Note from our Backbone Staff
Dear Lead-Free NJ Members,
I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving my position as program manager for Lead-Free NJ, effective August 13. It has been my pleasure and honor to work with all of you, and I truly appreciate your commitment to the fight to end childhood lead poisoning.
To keep Lead-Free NJ pushing for change, your help is needed to find a new program manager to support the collaborative. The best candidates can often be found through networking and personal contacts. Please share the description (below) with your networks and anyone who you think might be a good fit. You can also send names to Chris Sturm at csturm@njfuture.org to follow up with potential candidates or introduce them via email.
In the meantime, Anthony Diaz will serve as the main contact for Lead-Free NJ. He can be reached at adiaz@njfuture.org or 973-573-8588.
Thank you and all the best!
Jael Davis
New Jersey Future is seeking an organized, motivated individual to manage the day-to-day operations of Lead-Free NJ, an exciting new collaborative working to ensure that children are free from lead poisoning through changes to state and local policy. Full job description.
Are you following us on social media yet? Get up-to-date information from Lead-Free NJ even faster on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Take a minute to hit that follow button!
Last month we released two new blog posts.
Are you up-to-date?
- Learn more about historic laws signed by Governor Murphy last month that require that water systems inventory and replace lead pipes in 10 years, and that rental properties built before 1978 be inspected for lead paint prior to moving in, among other things.
Read about how Lead-Free NJ Steering Committee member Shevone Torres’ nephew and son were lead-poisoned before she decided to strive for solutions to the lead crisis, herself.
Events, Opportunities, and Highlights
Are you interested in a more in-depth policy analysis of recent bills passed related to lead paint disclosure and lead service line replacement? Save the date for Lead 102, which will take place on September 16, 2021 at 6:00 pm via Zoom.
SAVE THE DATE: October Membership Meeting
Save the date for our Lead-Free NJ October Membership Meeting, which will take place on October 28, 2021 at 5:30 pm via Zoom.
Opportunity: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development recently announced the availability of $40 million in grant funds for environmental health and safety hazard remediation and education. For more information check out the notice of funding and/or attend a webinar hosted by the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes on Thursday, August 19th at 2:00 pm.
Opportunity: The Center for Environmental Transformation (CFET) is looking for a co-executive director to work with Lead-Free NJ member and newly appointed co-executive director Jon Compton to lead CFET in pursuing its mission effectively, sustainably, and responsibly.
Opportunity: New Jersey Council for Humanities is looking for a program officer responsible for implementing and managing assigned public programs, and for developing new programs according to NJCH’s needs and mission.
Highlight: Shout-out to Lead-Free NJ Steering Committee Member Staci Berger and Lead-Free NJ Member Phyllis Salowe-Kaye for making Insider NJ’s Insider 100 Policymakers list!
Do you have a lead-free event, opportunity, or highlight you’d like to share? Email us with the details and get it featured in the next newsletter!
S829 adds a question about the home seller’s awareness about the presence of lead plumbing and lead service lines onto the property condition disclosure statement, which is a first step to ensuring home buyers are informed. - passed both houses and headed to the governor for signature
S830 requires public water systems to offer free lead/water testing during an action level exceedance or partial lead service line replacement. - passed both houses and headed to the governor for signature
S320/A842 requires property condition disclosure statements to include questions concerning lead plumbing and lead service lines and requires the replacement of lead service lines upon sale of residential property.
S702/A814 requires landlords to disclose the existence of lead service lines and lead water supply plumbing to tenants.
S77/A968 requires the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to adopt a statewide plan to reduce lead exposure from contaminated soils and drinking water.
S1282/A1233 requires municipalities to conduct lead paint inspections in single- and two-family dwellings and requires municipalities to report results to the State.
A216 requires public schools to educate staff and parents about lead hazards and allows school staff to know students’ history of elevated blood lead levels.
Staff Contact Information
Anthony Diaz
Community Outreach Coordinator
New Jersey Future