$20,000 Matching Gift Challenge to fund M3-Africa expenses for the 4th quarter of 2022.
Challenge amount pledged $20,000
Amount given to match the Challenge as of 9/15: $0.00
Amount needed to fulfill the Challenge: $20,000
The Challenge begins today and ends on Sunday the 25th.
If you feel led to help with this, please send a check to the address below or you can give online through our website.
M3 is a 501c-3 nonprofit organization, and all of your gifts are tax deductible.
Thanks so much for praying and giving as the Lord is leading you.
You can make a safe and secure donation in the following ways:
You can give safely online at: www.mentoringmen.net. Click the "Donate" tab at the top of the home page. Here is the link to that page: DONATE
Or, you can send your gift to:
1213 Culbreth Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28405
If you wish to make a donation specifically towards
our leadership/disciple-making training abroad in
Africa, or:
If you wish to make a donation of common stock or
any other type of unconventional gift to M3, please
contact me directly at: thad@mentoringmen.net
For more information concerning the financial standards by which we operate, visit the ECFA website by clicking this link:
ECFA Homepage