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Pictured above: Group in Taru, Kenya


Hello, everyone,

The Kingdom continues to advance! As you will see below in this update, over 1,000 people in Africa were added since the last update in June and are now being discipled for the first time in their lives. PTL!! Not only are they being discipled with their own spiritual growth in mind, but they are learning and being taught to make disciples themselves wherever they are.

We now have over 6,250 being discipled in Africa! This is an amazing work of God, and all the glory for this belongs to Him and Him alone. The influence of these faithful men and women of God is growing and is being felt in their communities and their culture. As more and more are added, the footprint of the Kingdom grows larger and larger in Africa! Thanks so much for your prayers and your gifts that made all of this possible over the last quarter. Glory to God!

Matching Gift Challenge!

As we look towards the 4th and final quarter of 2022, God continues to provide for His work. He has raised up a group of men who have pooled their resources to create a $20,000 Matching Gift Challenge to fund these discipleship efforts as well as accommodate for continued growth in the 4th quarter of this year!!

The Challenge will begin on September 15th and will end at midnight on September 25th. So, any gift given towards the Challenge by midnight on the 25th will be matched by the donors who have issued the Challenge up to $20,000!! This is a tremendous opportunity to leverage your giving for the greatest Kingdom impact by doubling your gift.

We need your prayers:

One of our greatest challenges as we move into additional countries in Africa is the need for our discipleship materials to be translated into the native languages of these countries. This is already being done in Kenya as the books are actively being translated into Swahili. The difficulty in these additional countries is to find a person who fits the following criteria:

  1. They are a born-again believer who feels led of God to do the work.
  2. They speak the native language of the country.
  3. They also speak either English or Swahili so that the translations can be checked for accuracy.

We are at a point where this issue is going to begin to hinder growth in these countries soon. Please ask the Lord to raise up men and women to do this work!! He is willing and He is able!!

Thanks so very much for your partnership in the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus!! Praise and glory to His name,


Also, be sure to check out the video testimonies and pics at the end of this update. They will bless your heart and help you to see how your gifts are being used to forward the Kingdom.


Here are some of the statistics for Kenya from the 3rd quarter alone. These figures do not represent everything in Kenya year to date, but just since the beginning of July. This is what has happened since we last updated you. Glory to God!

Since the beginning of July:

  • 41 new groups have started.

  • These 41 groups consist of 1,081 new people who are now being discipled for the first time in their lives!

  • In addition to this, there are currently 32 groups on hold, waiting to begin! These 32 groups represent 1,069 new people ready to be discipled as soon as the necessary funding is in place!

Here are some statistics pertaining to other African countries besides Kenya. Please note that the following information for these additional African countries is indeed year to date and not just for the 3rd quarter:

  • In addition to Kenya, there are M3 groups in the 8 countries of: Malawi, The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Botswana, Ghana, Zambia, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi! These are groups in which leaders are being trained so that each of them will be able to take EMB/EWB and begin discipling many others in their respective countries. In these 8 leader groups there are a total of 120 leaders! In fact, take a moment to hear from one of these leaders in the video below. His name is Benjamin and he is from Botswana.
  • In addition to these 8 groups of leaders, some groups have already begun in Malawi and DRC. In Malawi, 3 of the leaders have each started a group. These 3 groups represent 32 people. There are 7 additional groups in Malawi hoping to begin soon. These 7 additional groups represent 71 individuals!

  • And in DRC 3 additional groups have also already started. These represent 43 people. And there are 12 more groups in DRC hoping to begin soon. These 12 groups represent 120 people! These numbers are just the beginning as more and more leaders begin groups of their own! These numbers could quickly climb into the thousands like they have in Kenya!

  • In addition to the 8 countries mentioned above, there are leader groups pending for the countries of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania. Once these begin the Lord will have given us opportunities in 12 different African countries (including Kenya, of course)!

In addition to all that is mentioned above, below are some of the tools that your generosity during the previous Matching Gift Challenges this year have funded, which has enabled this ever-increasing amount of discipleship to take place!! YTD in 2022:

  • Approximately 4,693 copies of EMB/EWB printed (the M3 disciple-making workbooks)

  • 500 Bibles funded for people who needed them

  • Multiple printers purchased or repaired so as to print EMB/EWB ourselves to reduce cost and be able to reach and disciple more people

  • Various devices purchased or repaired for the purpose of certain key leaders being able to disciple others from a distance.

Currently, the funding needs are:

  • 1,500 Bibles

  • 1,069 copies of EMB/EWB for new groups that hope to start soon

  • Bus fare, internet costs, and devices (e.g., phones) necessary for these new groups to meet

$20,000 Matching Gift Challenge to fund M3-Africa expenses for the 4th quarter of 2022.

Challenge amount pledged $20,000

Amount given to match the Challenge as of 9/15: $0.00

Amount needed to fulfill the Challenge: $20,000

The Challenge begins today and ends on Sunday the 25th.

If you feel led to help with this, please send a check to the address below or you can give online through our website.

M3 is a 501c-3 nonprofit organization, and all of your gifts are tax deductible.

Thanks so much for praying and giving as the Lord is leading you. 



You can make a safe and secure donation in the following ways:

You can give safely online at: Click the "Donate" tab at the top of the home page. Here is the link to that page: DONATE

   Or, you can send your gift to:


   1213 Culbreth Dr.

   Wilmington, NC 28405

   If you wish to make a donation specifically towards

   our leadership/disciple-making training abroad in 

   Africa, or:

   If you wish to make a donation of common stock or

   any other type of unconventional gift to M3, please 

   contact me directly at:

For more information concerning the financial standards by which we operate, visit the ECFA website by clicking this link:

ECFA Homepage


Pastor Everest Arinatwe from Uganda

Bishop Jean Pierre from Rwanda

Bishop Franco Nizigiyimana from Burundi (this video stopped recording a little early, but we still wanted to include the portion that was recorded.)

Eddie Kumwenda from Malawi

Pastor Chola Margaret Banda Noble from Zambia

Lester Kabuthu from Malawi


Kipnyorop, Kenya

Chepkoya, Kenya

Lokichar, Kenya

Kaberwa, Kenya

Kaboywo, Kenya

Jumba Ruins, Kenya

Kitaban, Kenya

One of the groups in The Democratic Republic of the Congo

One of the groups in Malawi

Another group in Malawi

Perani, Kenya

Mpakani, Kenya

Likhovero, Kenya

Ushindi, Kenya

Barani, Kenya

Thanks so much for your partnership with us as we seek to make disciples who make disciples all over the world!

Thad, Christian, Kelly, Mrs. E, and Erica