
Sukeh, from FreeDigitalPhotos.net There's so much Yiddish culture for you to enjoy this Fall! KlezCalifornia's three major events are two Cabarets by the Bay (Los Gatos and Berkeley), and our first-ever course on Yiddish culture through Lehrhaus Judaica. Plus numerous klezmer workshops and fascinating lectures! See all the details below!

Our warmest wishes to you for Sukes and Simkhes Toyreh!  
Two brand new shows!
Sunday, October 22
Addison-Penzak JCC
Sunday, November 5  
JCC East Bay
Details, including the exciting performer lineup, see below, and at klezcalifornia.org
BadRabbi2Eddy Portnoy's "Bad Rabbi"

Eddy Portnoy reads from " Bad Rabbi and other strange but true stories from the Yiddish press"
Friday, October 13, 12:30-1pm
This book exposes the seamy underbelly of pre-World War II New York and Warsaw, the two major centers of Yiddish culture in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Meet drunks, thieves, murderers, wrestlers, poets, and beauty queens whose misadventures were plucked from the pages of the Yiddish papers. Book sales and signing to follow.

Co-presented by KlezCalifornia
Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco
Free with museum admission 
SalonYiddish Conversation

KlezCalifornia Flisik Yidish Salon
Sunday, October 15, 2-4pm 
For fluent Yiddish speakers.
Please bring a plated nosh ready to serve.
RSVP to 415.789.7679, flisik@klezcalifornia.org
At a private home, OAKLAND

Mir veln zikh trefn nokh a mol dem 15tn oktober un veln redn vegn di vayterdikeh temes:
·       Tsvey emeseh zakhn un eyn lign
·       Velkher talant hostu oder velkher talant volstu gevolt hobn?
·       Vi azoy kenen mir farbesern di velt?
·       Zingen! 
WorkshopsKlezmer Workshops and Jams

Join our
KlezCalifornia Klezmer Workshops & Jams, each taught by a terrific musician and including learning tunes with authentic klezmer style. The balance of learning by ear vs. with sheet music is chosen by each teacher. Must be at least intermediate level on any acoustic instrument; no klezmer experience needed (but it doesn't hurt!). Mute required if you are a brass player. Optional: bring recording device. Some teachers offer sheet music and/or sound files in advance.

To register, contact 415.789.7679 or jams@klezcalifornia.org with your name, instrument, and which workshop(s) you will attend. Registration: $25 sliding scale ($5 - $25, whatever you can pay) for participants. Pay on site with cash or check. Refreshments included. Listeners welcome; donation requested.

Images of 2017-07-16 workshop in Berkeley led by Jeanette Lewicki, by Judy Kunofsky, improved by Jim Rebhan. 
LehrhausYiddishania: The Gantseh Cholent

Yiddish Culture in American Jewish Life
"Yiddishania: The Gantseh Cholent"
Thursdays, October 19 & 26, and November 2 & 9, 7 - 8:30pm.
Presented by KlezCalifornia and Lehrhaus Judaica

Gevalt!  Do you need help to bring the inner Ashkenazi Jew out of your kishkes? Then, ketseleh, you really need to take this geshmak (tasty) course on Yiddishania (or is it Yiddish-mania?) with
    *    Ken Blady (native Yiddish speaker and former khosid), session 1
    *    Reb Tsvi Bar-David (his mother, z"l, was a khosid), sessions 2 & 4
    *    Gerry Tenney (master musician, storyteller, red diaper baby, definitely not a khosid), session 3

We will:  
    *    Learn together some popular Yiddish words, and find out where Yiddish came from
    *    How does Yiddish figure - and it does! - in contemporary American Jewish culture and American culture in general
    *    Learn klezmer and Yiddish music, which by the way, had a powerful influence on Jazz 
    *    Take a look at Yiddish life in painting and photography
    *    Carry on the language debates: What Languages "Should" Jews Speak? and more...
No Yiddish knowledge required, although it doesn't hurt!

JCC East Bay, Berkeley 
Tuition $60 - $75
CabaretCabaret by the Bay at JCC in Los Gatos

KlezCalifornia Cabaret by the Bay
Sunday, October 22, 4:00 - 6:00pm

The Gonifs, Sara Felder, Heather Klein, Stephen Saxon! Dancing led by Bruce Bierman! Andy Muchin, MC!

$25 general / $20 APJCC members / $18 students, seniors/ free kids 6-12 with a ticketed adult 

Addison-Penzak JCC, Los Gatos

Check out the details and/or purchase tickets now!  
AdsAds in the Ladino and Yiddish American Press

Sunday, October 29, 1:30pm

Many people are familiar with the Forverts, the Yiddish daily newspaper from New York that served Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants beginning in 1897. Less well-known is La America, a Ladino weekly newspaper published in New York 1910 - 1925 for Sephardi Jewish immigrants. Both journals assisted their readers in adapting to their new country. In this multi-media presentation, Julie Scolnik will examine the published advertisements, many illustrated and with lengthy text, that appeared in the two newspapers. Which products and services did they advertise? How did the advertisements in the two publications compare? Were the ads directed to one Jewish community or two?

Co-presented by KlezCalifornia
Jewish Community Library, San Francisco
Yiddish Culture in October
Classes begin August, September, or October. Sign up now!
Tuesdays through Fridays trough December 15, 11am - 4pm  
(continuing exhibit)
Through Wednesday, November 1, 9am - 9pm
An immigrant's journey is told using ordinary items from one family. This exhibit showcases everyday themes: food, Jewish living, weddings, school, business and fashion. These materials transform the universal story into a family story.
650.241.8503, rosholin@sonic.net
Goldman Sports & Wellness Complex , Oshman Family JCC, Palo Alto 
Through January 28, 2018
Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco
Museum admission: free - $14 
Nigunim Chorus Fall season begins
Monday, October 2, 7:30-9:15pm, for 12 Mondays and a performance December 17 
Traditional and contemporary songs in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, and English, arranged for two, three, and four parts.
JCC East Bay, Berkeley
$180 tuition

Kol Truah Fall season begins 
Mondays, 7-9pm, with two performances in December
A Chanukah program this season, with traditional and contemporary seasonal songs in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, and English, in four-part harmony.
Congregation Netivot Shalom, Berkeley
$100 tuition

Eddy Portnoy reads from " Bad Rabbi and other strange but true stories from the Yiddish press"
Friday, October 13 12:30-1pm, San Francisco 
KlezCalifornia Flisik Yidish Salon 
Sunday, October 15, 2-4pm, Oakland

KlezCalifornia Klezmer Workshop and Jam, with Joshua Horowitz 
Sunday, October 15, 2-5pm, Berkeley 
Thursday, October 19, 6:30-8:30pm
Yiddish, Hebrew and Ladino art songs and theatre songs
Seating available on a first-come, first-served basis
Free, including parking!

Yiddish Culture in American Jewish Life (Yiddishania: The
Gantseh Cholent)
Thursdays, October 19, 26, and November 2, 9, 7-8:30pm, Berkeley
KlezCalifornia Cabaret by the Bay
Sunday, October 22, 4-6pm, Los Gatos
Tuesday, October 24, 1-2:30pm
Look at a variety of clips and shorts that demonstrate some of the ways immigrant Jews were represented in films of the silent era, ranging from admiring portraits to prejudiced caricatures.
Oshman Family JCC, Palo Alto

Wednesday, October 25, 6:30-8:30pm
Part of 4th Wednesday Klezmer Night
Gaia's Garden, Santa Rosa
Free with minimum $5 purchase!
Lecture/performance on klezmer accordion, with Jim Rebhan
Klezmer Dance workshop, with live music, led by Yael Schy,
time TBD
Saturday, October 28, Check El Cerrito Free Folk Festival website for details.

El Cerrito High School, El Cerrito
"Ads in the Ladino and Yiddish American Press: A Reflection of Jewish Society," presented by Julie Scolnik
Sunday, October 29, 1:30pm, San Francisco 
Farshidns (This 'n That)
Yiddish New York returns once again with a six-day gathering in Manhattan of klezmer music, Yiddish culture, song & folk dance, theater, lectures, language, workshops, performances, visual arts, and film, with affordable programs for adults, kids and teens! To receive a 10% discount on 6-day registrations, enter code "YNY10" when registering online.

Yiddish Book Center online course "The World of Yiddish Theater," taught by Debra Caplan, October 16 - November 12.
(thanks to Talia Shaham)
 Jewish cooking videos, Eat in Good Health, with Rukhl Schaechter and Eve Jochnowitz. in Yiddish with English subtitles.
(thanks to Andrea Julian)

"Ven ikh bin a rotshild" ("If I were a rich man")
in Yiddish, with video from "Fiddler on the Roof."
(thanks to Dina Shandling)

Proverb of the month 
He was an honorable person - according to his gravestone.
(Er is geven a guter mentsh - loyt zayn matseyveh.)
ער איז געווען אַ גוטער מענטש - לויט זײַן מצבֿה
(from "Words Like Arrows," compiled by Shirley Kumove)
Preview of Yiddish Culture in November

Thursday, November 2, 6:30-8:30pm
  Seating available on a first-come, first served basis.
Schroeder Hall, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park
Free, including parking! 
Thursday, November 2, 7pm
Jewish Community Library, San Francisco
Sunday, November 5, 4-6pm
$25 general / $10 teens /n o charge kids 6-12 with ticketed adult
JCC East Bay, Berkeley 
Wednesday, November 15, 4pm
Presented by Center for Jewish Studies
U.C. Berkeley, 3401 Dwinelle Hall, Berkeley

and the same program the following day in San Francisco:  
Thursday, November 16, 7pm
Jewish Community Library, San Francisco
"Indecent," the Broadway show based on Sholem Asch's play "God of Vengeance"
Friday, November 17, time TBD (check PBS local listings) 
On PBS broadcast television, part of Great Performances series  
Sunday, Nov. 19, 1:30pm
Jewish Community Library, San Francisco
Monday, Nov. 27, 7pm
Jewish Community Library, San Francisco
Thursday, November 30, 6:30-8:30pm
Seating available on a first-come, first served basis.
Free, including parking! 
SupportKlezCaliforniaSupport KlezCalifornia
Donate to KlezCalifornia and receive: 
  • Invites to exclusive parties
  • Yiddish-themed "thank you" gifts
  • Posting on our Honor Wall
  • Our undying gratitude!
Your donations help KlezCalifornia keep Bay Area Yiddish culture and community vibrant and thriving. Read more about donor benefits.

Donate by credit card here or mail a check to 
KlezCalifornia, 1728 Allston Way, Berkeley 94703. 

A sheynem dank! Thank you very much!
Other Bits of Information

Want your event in this newsletter? Tell us about it  here !    

For Bay Area and on-line Yiddish-related events, people, and places (including on-line), check out KlezCalifornia's website here!