The Arc to Break Ground on Arc Park

The Arc is one step closer to bringing the welcoming, accessible and inclusive Arc Park to Springfield. The city of Springfield has approved the permits, and we are ready to break out the shovels!

The first phase of the park includes the accessible, two-story amphitheater and the community gathering space.

Sadly due to the pandemic, we cannot bring people together for an official groundbreaking ceremony, but we look forward to gathering (fingers crossed!) in late spring/early summer 2021 for a grand opening. We look forward to that celebration!
International Paper Donates to Arc Park,
You Can Help, Too, on #GivingTuesday

Special thanks to International Paper for donating to the Arc Park. We are very grateful to have financial support from neighboring businesses.

To help raise the balance of the funds needed to complete the first phase of the Arc Park, The Arc will participate in the global #GivingTuesday generosity movement on December 1.

Every little bit helps. Watch for information about #GivingTuesday and help us build this community gem. Of course, there is no need to wait until #GivingTuesday; you can donate now to the Arc Park.
Governor Issues Freeze, New Safety Measures

Given Governor Brown's recent announcement for a two-week, statewide "freeze" to help stop the spread of COVID, The Arc wants to reiterate the importance of wearing masks, maintaining social distance and washing hands frequently.

Here are some tools to help keep your loved ones healthy and safe:

To stay abreast of current health and safety information from the Oregon Health Authority, visit COVID-19 Updates. Also, with the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, please read this travel advisory.
CARES Center Continues to Help Community

The CARES (Community Aligned Resources for Eugene/Springfield) Center continues to provide food and other resources to community members in need.

In October, the CARES Center served 684 households and 2,262 individuals including children. In addition,17 amazing volunteers logged nearly 170 hours in one month! We are grateful for the dedicated volunteers and community partners who are helping to fight food insecurity in our community.

With the holidays and cooler weather approaching, the CARES Center is in need of turkeys and winter apparel, such as coats, socks and gloves. If you can donate a turkey or winter clothes, please contact Edith. Please do not drop off donations without first scheduling an appointment.
Heroes Work Here

It's been eight long months since The Arc closed its building due to the pandemic. Despite the physical building remaining closed, our staff continues to support people with disabilities. Now more than ever, people need human connection with others, and The Arc's team of direct support professionals are providing camaraderie and support.

Read The Arc's Stepping Out Program Pivots During Time of COVID to see how Angel Matthews continues to support her clients with resiliency and creativity.
Living Kidney Donor Needed

George Braddock, a nationally recognized housing consultant who lives and works in Eugene, is in need of a kidney.

Braddock has helped hundreds of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) make modifications to their environments to help them live independently. Braddock is the 1989 recipient of The Arc Lane County's Lisl Waechter award, a prestigious award honoring him for his professional work in enhancing the lives of individuals who experience I/DD. 
Braddock now needs help from the greater community. Braddock needs a second transplant from a living donor. See a Kidney4George to learn if you can be a donor.