Register now for
1st Vietnam Wind Power Conference
Global Wind Energy Council will be holding its first ever Vietnam Wind Power conference in Hanoi on 7 June, in partnership with GIZ and the Danish Embassy.
This full day conference will allow companies interested in developing the wind sector in Vietnam to meet and discuss with government officials about what can and what would need to be done for the wind industry to grow and remain sustainable. The programme will include presentations and debates on the latest policy developments, financing mechanisms, how to grow the supply chain (both on and offshore), grid challenges etc, and will include both domestic and international experiences. There will be ample opportunities for networking, including a themed post-conference reception where provincial officials from the Mekong Delta will be available to outline their plans for wind development in this area
Registration for the event is now open, and places are limited, so this first round of exclusive invitations is going to key contacts from the event partners and sponsors, before being made available to a wider network. If you wish to be part of this inaugural conference, please register quickly to ensure your place.
Vietnam Wind Power Conference has been made possible thanks to the support of our sponsors Siemens Gamesa and Vestas, and our knowledge partner, DNV GL. Further sponsorships are available by contacting
For information on the programme, speakers, networking activities and much more please check out the conference webpage below.