Transition at Outside the Box
Over the last 11 years, I have had the honor to serve Outside the Box (OTB) in a variety of roles, including serving for the last 3+ years as the Executive Director. I use the word "serve" intentionally, as I believe that is what we do here every day. We serve the participants who come to us wanting to learn new skills and make new friends, the families who count on us to help their loved ones reach their potential, and our community, which has come to see us as a vital asset helping to better the world around us.

When I walked through OTB’s doors in 2011 to interview for a part-time position, I knew this was where I wanted to be. There is energy, excitement, and love here that is not easily found anywhere else. From that very first day, I was hooked.
Throughout the years, I have learned so much from our staff and participants. I learned every single person has talents and abilities far beyond what many would envision. I learned that some of the most transformative ideas and conversations can come when you least expect them, and with the people you might least expect. I learned that there are incredible self-advocates and staff, working every day to help make our world a better place. A kinder place. I could continue, but the list of things I learned at OTB is virtually endless, so I’ll save the rest for a future TED Talk.
All of those feelings are what makes writing this so tough.
After spending over 25% of my life working at Outside the Box, I will be moving on to become the Executive Director at another organization serving adults with disabilities in our community. I will take countless lessons and ideas with me, as there is so much good to take away from OTB. Honestly, I could never give back even a fraction of what I will take away.
I would like to thank our co-founder, Kelly Hartman, and our previous Executive Director, Katy Bird. I learned so much from these amazing women about what service really means, about humility, about leadership, and about kindness. Outside the Box is a better place, and I am a better person, because of them.
Michelle Miller, our long-time Director of Development, has been named the new Executive Director. Michelle is someone who is full of integrity, grace, and passion for our mission. She is the perfect individual to take on the challenge of leading OTB into the future. I could not be more confident in Michelle and her abilities.
Serving at Outside the Box has been one of the great honors of my life. I am humbled and grateful to have had the opportunity. I will miss it every day. 

I am excited and grateful to have been asked, by the Board of Directors, to serve as the Executive Director at Outside the Box (OTB). When I started at Outside the Box in 2017, I knew I was "home." When I walk into the building, the participants always smile and ask how I am doing; how can that not bring a smile to your face and make you want to work as hard as you can for them? I love watching and hearing our participants learn new skills and make new friends. In addition, I am incredibly grateful for the families who count on us to help their loved ones reach their potential and our community; without you, it would be harder for us to make an impact.
When I started at Outside the Box, I served as The Director of Development. As a result, I was able to interact with our participants and interact with our biggest cheerleaders: our community! We are so grateful for our community's continued support. I have been fortunate to meet so many amazing people who support us in our endeavors, and I am grateful for that. I look forward to continuing those relationships I have made and am continuing to make new connections as I evolve into this role.
In my personal life, I enjoy going to sporting events, riding bikes, and traveling. I am married to my husband, Harry. I have two daughters and a "bonus" son.
I want to thank our outgoing Executive Director, Matt Fultz, for everything he has done for Outside the Box. Every one of us who has stepped through our building's front doors owes him a debt of gratitude. Over his 11 years here, he has worked tirelessly to ensure that our participants were placed in the jobs they wanted and led us through the pandemic, which was a very trying time for our organization. I have learned countless lessons from Matt about leadership and service, which I will carry with me the rest of my career.
Working at Outside the Box has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. As we look to the future of this great organization and map out plans for expansion, I welcome the opportunity to help lead it down that path. Serving alongside our dedicated staff and our committed Board of Directors, we will all build upon the great foundation laid by the previous Executive Directors and staff.