If no changes are being made
If your employees are not making changes to their coverage, their existing coverage will automatically carry forward to 2022.
Open enrollment this year will be from Nov. 15 to Nov. 30.
Going Live
The portal will become live on Nov. 15, but if we are able to make it available sooner, we will let you know. The web portal address will be cobbt.mybenefitchoice.com.
Salary Updates
As is typical this time of year, BBT staff will soon be requesting your updated salary data to ensure that salary-based coverages are accurately reflected.
2022 benefits coverage
Your employees should use the new portal to manage benefits coverage that begins on Jan. 1, 2022.
Remaining 2021 coverage
If you need to enroll new hires or make changes to 2021 coverage due to qualifying life events, continue to work with Connie Sandman, she can be reached at: 847-622-3366.
Personal identification for login
Please note: Participants will be required to enter their Social Security number the first time they log in to the portal.
If your employee needs help
If your employee isn’t comfortable using the online portal or experiences difficulty in using it, they can simply contact the Brethren Insurance Services Call Center, which will be live Nov. 15 and staffed by Milliman’s knowledgable employees. The call center number is 800-217-0067, and will be available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Central time.
Benefits Guide
Your up-to-date Benefits Guide has been, or will be provided to you this week, and it can also be found on the new insurance portal 24/7/365.
Open Enrollment group meetings
If you want to schedule a special Open Enrollment meeting for your employees, contact Jeremiah Thompson at 800-746-1505 ext. 3368 or jthompson@cobbt.org.
Here is a link to the Plan Sponsor section of our website where you will find two videos that demonstrate how the new portal works. Additional instructional videos will be posted on the website as they become available.