TO: Municipal Attorneys
FROM: Kraig Conn, General Counsel
FROM: Rebecca O’Hara, Deputy General Counsel
SUBJ: Executive Order 20-179 (Extension of Executive Order 20-69)
DATE: July 30, 2020
Last night Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-179 regarding Local Government Public Meetings. The Order extends and amends Executive Order 20-69 (Local Government Public Meetings, as extended previously by various executive orders) as follows:

1 It extends EO 20-69, which as we have previously reported suspends any requirement for a physical quorum at public meetings, until 12:01 AM on September 1, 2020. 

2. It amends EO 20-69 to add a new section 5, which suspends any requirement that a physical quorum be present for any taxing authority holding millage and budget hearings under Chapter 200, F.S., or any local governing board holding a meeting regarding a non-ad valorem assessment, and suspends any requirement that a supermajority of the membership to be present in person or that a local government body meet at a specified place, until 12:01 AM on October 15, 2020.  

3. It amends EO 20-69 to add a new section 6, which suspends any requirement that a physical quorum be present for value adjustment board (including special magistrates) meetings, or any requirement that a local governing body or individual meet in a specified place, until 12:01 AM on December 15. 2020.

Executive Order 20-179 does not waive any other requirement under the Florida Constitution or Chapter 286, F.S.

Florida League of Cities, Inc.
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