• All Food Vendors must obtain a health permit from the Brewster Health Department.
  • Print and complete this Form: Brewster Health Permit
  • Mail completed form and fee $30.00 (per/permit) to:
Town of Brewster
Health Department
2198 Main Street
Brewster, MA 02631

  • Please Include a copy of any Health Certificates, Permits, Licenses of Proof that the food you are sampling or selling is made in an inspected facility. 
  • Please also bring with you to the event a copy of all Health Certificates, Permits, Licenses of Proof that the food you are sampling or selling is made in an inspected facility. 
  • If you have any questions please contact Brewster Health Department.
  • Sherrie McCullough - Brewster Health Department
  • Phone: 508-896-3701 ex:1120
  • Email: smccullough@brewster-ma.gov