Below are some QUICK LINKS for online ordering:
For Booth Décor CLICK HERE
Carpet, Furniture (chairs, tables), Labour, Modular exhibits, Plants & Signage
Please make sure Exhibitor Appointed Contractors that will be assisting with your space set-up are members of Local 506 Union to avoid any grievances during the set up process.
For Electrical & Lighting CLICK HERE
For Enercare Services CLICK HERE
Booth Cleaning, Catering Menu, Internet, Parking Pass, Signage Installation & Telecoms
If you plan to order Sign Hanging please note: All halo and sign hardware must be supplied by the exhibitor. Enercare Services installers will not be using rope, making harnesses, repairs, or modifications to accommodate the install. Exhibitor Services will be contacting all exhibitors with sign hanging orders to review hanging hardware and process in advance of accepting orders.
For Parking Passes CLICK HERE
To secure parking at the Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place for the duration of the show order your parking pass on-line before Monday, January 13th at midnight. This means no online orders after Monday, January 13th at midnight, and no on-site orders.
Important to Note: No Exhibitor Parking Passes will be sold after the deadline of Monday, January 13th at midnight.
Exhibitor Parking Pass rates (January 18 – 26):
9-day pass $126.00 Per Day Surface Lots
9-day pass $162.00 Per Day Underground