Exhibitor Newsletter Sponsored by: | |
The 2025 Show is Looking Great | |
We are continuing to work through all the renewing exhibitors' requests for space changes and increases, and are expecting to complete this phase in 2 weeks. New or first time exhibitors will hear from Katya within the week after to receive their space offers.
The website is in our annual transition stage of having both 2024 and 2025 content. The purpose is to illustrate and reference the scope of exhibitors, products, programming and features until current content is ready to be populated for the 2025 show.
We highly appreciate your timely input at this stage to help prepare consumers and media for the upcoming exciting show. Please read below how to update your company's digital listing, include all your working dealers & boat brands and submit New Products information.
The Exhibitor Kit will be available and communicated in the next newsletter. Order forms and links for suppliers and services such as banner hanging, electrical, parking passes, carpet and more will be provided to order before January 3 for discounted rates.
If you were not an exhibitor at the 2024 show and have not applied for space yet, please download the 2025 blank application form below.
Wishing your team and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!
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Official Hotel Room Blocks Now Open! | |
Show Dates: January 18 - 26, 2025
Official Boat Show Hotels
Don't Delay Booking to Receive Boat Show Rates!
Cut off Date: January 3, 2025 (subject to availability)
The Sheraton Centre, Westin Harbour Castle, Chelsea Hotel Toronto and Hotel X are once again the Official Show Hotels.
We focused our efforts on obtaining these unbelievable rates starting from $179per night to keep your costs as low as possible! The hotel rates are unbeatable for Downtown Toronto at these great hotels.
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Sheraton Centre Toronto
Official Host Hotel
Special Boat Show Rates starting from $215/night
To Book Your Room at Sheraton Online: CLICK HERE
Reservation By Phone: (1 888) 627-7175 or (416) 361-1000 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto Boat Show 2025 block" to secure the group rate.
Note: There are a limited number of Parlour Suites These are currently held outside of the show’s block for booking. If you have had a Parlour in prior years and would like to reserve it again for the duration of the Show, please contact Linda Waddell as soon as possible to renew it, (905) 951-4051 or lwaddell@canadianboatshows.com.
If you are an exhibitor that would like to book one of these room types for the show, please contact Linda Waddell before October 30th. After this date, this room type will be released into the block for anyone to reserve.
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Chelsea Hotel Toronto
New! Fully renovated Chelsea rooms for 2025!
Special Boat Show Rates starting from $179 /night
Discounted Indoor Self-Parking Rate for Exhibitors of $29 per day with unlimited in & out privileges.
To Book Your Room at Chelsea Online: CLICK HERE
Reservation by Phone: (1 800) 243-5732 or (416) 595-1975 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto International Boat Show" room block.
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Hotel X Toronto
Hotel closest to the Show! Located across the street from Hall A/B Show's Main Entrances.
Special Boat Show Rates starting from $280/night
To Book Your Hotel X Room Online: CLICK HERE
Reservations by phone: 855-943-9300 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto Boat Show" room block.
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No Hotel Shuttle Buses This Year | |
Please note there will not be Shuttle Bus service between the Hotels and Venue for the 2025 Show.
We want to explain Why!
The reasons are to i) help you with the lowest hotel rates possible in the City, and ii) eliminate lengthy waiting times to get between the show and hotels
We have continued to prioritize negotiating excellent hotel rates for Exhibitors and Attendees. The Special Boat Show Rates are incredible, especially for downtown Toronto!!
We have consistently heard how important and appreciated the low room rates are. As well, in recent years we have received a high amount of feedback that most Exhibitors & Attendees have been shifting to use Uber/Lift/Taxi services; or drive their own vehicle between the hotels and venue. Many do not want to wait times required to operate shuttle buses in the city.
To maintain the low rates, the hotels are no longer able to offer shuttles. To operate a 9-day shuttle service with the number of buses required to meet the expectations of minimal wait-times, would put the rates at $50-$75 per night, per room, higher. This would result in a significant increase in your expenses, combined with longer than desired wait times.
Thank you to our Official Show Hotels for working together with the Toronto Boat Show!
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Working Dealer/ Working Exhibitor & Boat Brands Form | |
This Section is for Exhibitor of Record
(Company contracted at the 2025 show)
Important information provided on the form is for the purpose of:
· Printed Show Guide Listings ( company name, space # and website, boat brand reference to your space#)
· Interactive Floorplan
· Exhibitor & Product Search
· Exhibitor Badges (online access for ordering name badges under the company name of working dealers and working exhibitors)
If the space is contracted to a manufacturer, on the form please list all dealers that will be working your space.
If the space is contracted to a dealer, on the form please list all the boat brands that will be in your space, and list any other dealers also in the space. This information is necessary to receive a printed show guide listing and interactive search.
If you have already provided a list or email with your working dealers/boat brands, then there is no need to fill in the form.
Return the form by October 18, 2024
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Sailors Hub - Call for Sailing Speakers | |
The sailing community and Sail area remain a priority for 2025 with a dedicated feature Get Into Sailing and Sailor's Hub social space, highlighting seminars, clubs, programs, sailboats, wing foiling, kiteboarding and more!
Sailor's Day seminars' and presentations' program is in it's development stage, and if your have a seminar topic in mind or would like to recommend a speaker on all things sailing please contact:
Kim Blair I Seminar Manager:
kblair@canadianboatshows.com I 416- 209-2108
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Exhibitor Online Platform Live | |
The Exhibitor Online Platform (Unity software) is now live. The site allows Exhibitors of Record and registered Working Dealers to:
- View your Print listing for Show Guide (25,000 distributed at the show and 100,000 emailed)
expand your Digital Listing entry with more information about your company and products, visuals, links, offers
- facilitate Exhibitor & Product Search for attendees by adding brands, products and key words
add and manage staff badges for the show at Company Badges
Manage Account to change the company login password and view Main Contact info.
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We encourage Exhibitors and Dealers to input the required information NOW using their Company Profile log in, and continue to update the digital listing up to the show week and even after. Exhibitors are responsible for making sure their product information is accurate.
Exhibitor & Product Search works in a simple and effective way. Consumer’s type in what they are looking for at the show: products, services, brands, general phrases. Exhibitors that have those key words in their descriptions will appear for consumer's to view. Listings and references are kept live on the website for the entire year. When selecting the types and products from the provided list in the platform, please check mark only the types of products and services you are actually displaying at the show, even though 'at the store' you might have more products available. Boat brands listed should be only the ones approved on your TIBS contract.
Please complete or adjust the Key Words section in the Online Platform Company Profile to benefit from this feature. Keywords should reflect what products and services attendees will find on display at your space. Too many key words will make the search function not user friendly and will affect the consumers' experience, trying to find a specific product and its' physical location at the event. All other services your company provides can be viewed on your company's website.
Filling out Boat show Specials allows you to promote any offers connected to your TIBS participation, whether it is a promo campaign you are starting right now leading up to the event, or an offer only valid on the actual Show days. Exhibitors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the description of the promotional rules, conditions and timelines offered to consumers.
The Interactive Floorplan connected to your Digital Listing will be added to the website once the space allocations are complete & booth numbers are assigned to all exhibitors spaces. This feature helps attendees to find products before attending the show and direct them how to find your space.
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Select your company name (your listing name as requested in your space contract for 2025 show) from the list, log in and complete the required fields.
Please note new password will be set by you for 2025 at first log in: you do not need to remember your 2024 log in details.
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Free Promotion of New Products you are selling at the show!
Help prepare consumers and media for their visit to the show by populating the online New Product Showcase, and sending consumers and media straight to your booth to see your new products.
What is considered a "new" product or service?
- Boat brands, accessories, electronics, services etc. – that have NEVER been in the Toronto Boat Show before (first time in 2025)
- New boat model introductions for the year 2025
- New & Innovative Products/Services introduced for the 2025 year or was launched during the 2024 boating season.
- Winners of Industry Innovation Awards in the past year
If you would like to have a New Product Balloon at your booth for the listed product, please order in the online form.
Take advantage and submit by November 15, 2024
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Non-Current Inventory for Boats | |
Exhibitors that have been participating in the Toronto Show for many years are aware of our historical guideline for non-current inventory. In the past the ratio allowed up to 20% of previous model year boats to be displayed, and 80% to be new current model year.
This guideline for the 2024 & 2025 show was revised when renewal applications were sent out, as a result of exhibitor requests and market conditions.
We are sensitive to the environment the industry is experiencing in 2024/2025 and the need to move non-current inventory as well as new models. We will continue to support manufacturers and dealers as the industry’s needs evolve.
The limit of 20% was removed allowing exhibitors to increase the amount of their prior year inventory, subject to show management approval.
For additional guidelines about Products Exhibited, please see the following link below.
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If you need to review your inventory ratio, please contact either Cynthia Hare, (905) 951-4054 or Linda Waddell (905) 951-4051 | |
Virtual Boat Listing Showroom | |
Amazing Exposure Include!
The Toronto Boat Show website features a ‘Virtual Showroom’ - a comprehensive listing of boats on display at the 2025 show.
BoatDealers.ca will be operating the showroom as the “Official Boat Listing Service” of the show. This will help to advertise boats as consumers pre-shop the show, helping to create more leads and onsite sales.
Take advantage and submit by:
December 4th, 2024
If you are a Dealer or Manufacturer displaying boats at the show take advantage of this unique opportunity to generate interest in your products before and after the show.
Please email TIBS@BoatDealers.ca the following:
· Booth Number(s) and Company Listing Name (as in print guide)
· Other Participating Dealers
· Information on the boats your dealership are bringing to the show
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Current BoatDealers.ca Customers:
Simply send the Stock# or Boat ID of the boats you are displaying at the show.
Non BoatDealers.ca Customers:
Request a login to MyDealers.ca to upload photos and description in a few simple clicks.
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Liability Insurance for Exhibitors, Working Dealers and Exhibitor Appointed Contractors | |
Exhibitor spaces include $2 million commercial general liability coverage at the show (does not include property and product). It also includes the appropriate additional insureds added, provided by ExhibitorInsurance.com.
The amount of $159 for the coverage is included in your space cost.
Policy effective: January 10- 29, 2025. Click here for COI sample
Exhibitors that have their own insurance and provide their certificate that meets the show & venue’s requirements (including additional insureds) by January 6, 2025, will receive a refund from Canadian Boat Shows of $159 following the show. If approval for own COI is granted by December 4th, 2024 the sum of $ 159 will be taken off your December invoice.
Please list any Exhibitor Appointed Contractors that will be assisting with your space set-up on the application, as they are required to provide a copy of their insurance certificate with full list of additional insureds included, covering move in/ move out and show dates.
If you have any Working Dealers within your space that are not covered under your insurance policy, please also note these on your space application.
The Exhibitor Insurance online platform is open for uploading your own certificates. Once your uploaded certificate is reviewed you will receive an approval notification from Exhibitor’s Insurance directly.
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Scam Alert - Exhibitors Beware! | |
It is unfortunate but a reality that fraudulent emails and calls reach Exhibitors with misleading information.
These annoying and frustrating emails and calls happen to almost every major trade and consumer show in North America. Please ignore them.
These parties claim to represent the Toronto Boat show but have NO relationship with the Toronto Boat Show.
We ask you to remain cautious and do not enter into agreements, contracts or release information to any callers asking:
- to buy or sell database of consumers or other exhibitors
- to help you book show hotels
- ask you about the number of staff you have or how many staff members will be attending the show
- for release of information about the number of boats and their logistics to and from the show
- for credit card information for show guide listing or ads
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2025 Show Newsletters
The Toronto Boat Show newsletters are the main source of communication. They come from this email address: chare@canadianboatshows.com so please add to your contacts and acceptable lists of emails.
Some exhibitors report that they don’t receive the newsletter, or it lands in their junk folder. We suggest to please check your junk or clutter folders periodically.
If you have not been receiving our Newsletters, please let us know to add your email address to the distribution list. If anyone else from your company should be receiving the newsletters, please send us their email.
All exhibitor newsletters are located on the show's website, so you can also keep up to date on communications if your email filters don't consistently display them in your in-box.
Click Here for past newsletters.
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