“It is not very hard to grasp the basic principle underlying all policy letters and organization.
“It is an empirical (observed and proven by observation) fact that nothing remains exactly the same forever. This condition is foreign to this universe. Things grow or they lessen. They cannot apparently maintain the same equilibrium or stability.
“Thus things either expand or they contract. They do not remain level in this universe. Further, when something seeks to remain level and unchanged it contracts.
“Thus we have three actions and only three. First is expansion, second is the effort to remain level or unchanged and third is contraction or lessening.
“As nothing in this universe can remain exactly the same, then the second action (level) above will become the third action (lessen) if undisturbed or not acted on by an outside force. Thus actions two and three above (level and lessen) are similar in potential and both will lessen.
“This leaves expansion as the only positive action which tends to guarantee survival.
"The point of assumption in all policy letters is that we intend to survive and intend so on all dynamics.
"To survive, then, one must expand as the only safe condition of operation.
"If one remains level, one tends to contract. If one contracts, one’s chances of survival diminish.
"Therefore there is only one chance left and that, for an organization, is expansion.
“To expand, any company needs a demanded product and will and skill to produce and deliver it. It can be a service or an item.
“If a company has a demanded product and will and skill to produce and deliver it, it must organize to expand. If it does, it will survive. If it organizes to stay level or seeks to grow smaller, it will perish.”