
Expressions Tool

Overview: The Expanding Expressions Tool is a multisensory ELA tool designed to help students develop a system for spoken and written language. Tool creator Sara Smith will join us as we learn how this tool can help students from preschool to grade 12 with oral language expression, written language expression, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Target Audience: Teachers, Intervention Specialists, speech-language pathologists, administrators, Title 1 Teachers, Support Staff, etc.

Dates: Friday, October 18, 2024

Time: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Location: ESC of Lake Erie West 2275 Collingwood Blvd, Toledo, OH 43620

Cost: This training, as well as the complete EET Kit, is free and open to Community Schools sponsored by the ESC of Lake Erie West and Partner Schools Districts (Maumee, Perrysburg, Rossford, Sylvania, Springfield, Washington Local). For questions about participation, please contact Aimee Mendelsohn at amendelsohn@esclakeeriewest.org

Contact Hours: 6 contact hours will be awarded after completion of the entire training day.

Contact: For questions, please contact Aimee Mendelsohn at amendelsohn@esclakeeriewest.org

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