The BTS Center
97 India Street • Portland, ME 04102
July 1, 2020
Dear friends,
As we enter the month of July, I am reflecting on the programming we offered over the course of the past several months to support, connect and equip religious leaders during the uncertainty of a global pandemic.
If you attended any of our Zoom meetups
in May and June,
we thank you for participating in the offerings of The BTS Center and are requesting your input, please
complete the brief survey
we can reflect on whether this past season of programming was effective and work to map out future offerings.
"If we (the Church) are not dealing with matters of life and death, then we are wasting our time... I think we are a little unmoored from our governing story right now, and in a lot of ways the pandemic is calling us back to that, especially because we have a double pandemic in front of us - the pandemic of illness and the pandemic of racism."
She and Paul invited faith leaders to allow the disruption of these days to draw us back to our core, to find a future in those things worth dying for.
"Surely as a species we are on a fast track to death, laying waste to the living world around us as if there were no tomorrow... We might as well be saying off the branch on which we sit on the tree of life. We may look like we're alive, but in fact we are only marginally present. Caught in the feverish grip of addiction, we're ignoring and overruling the Earth's needs... Will we finally choose the path of life?"
Margaret and several other authors from the book will be joining us as part of the book study. Please consider joining us as we commit to
expanding our spiritual imaginations
and envisioning an earth-honoring future together.
Summer blessings,
Rev. Nicole Diroff
Program Director, The BTS Center
Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis
Online Book Study Group
Thursdays, July 16 – August 27, 2020
4:00-5:15pm (Eastern) • via Zoom
Registration deadline: July 13
Suggested donation, which will go towards presenter honoraria: $25 per person
This summer you’re invited to join a group of friends and colleagues to read and discuss
Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis
. We’ll be exploring the seven sections of the book together over the course of seven weekly sessions with each session including a presentation by an author, small group conversation, and an invitation into spiritual practice.
Participating authors include:
The Future of Faith Communities After COVID-19
A Zoom Meetup for Spiritual Leaders
with guests Kenda Creasy Dean and Paul Nixon
In the midst of transitioning to online worship, providing community care, and wrestling with a thousand other urgent questions, many faith leaders are asking: when will everything finally return to normal?
The truth is, our faith communities will never return to normal. The pandemic and the wave of protests against police violence are generational events that will forever change how we gather; the shape of our ministry and advocacy, and the challenges that each faith community needs to face in order to thrive in a new reality.
If that’s our inescapable reality, then the question is: What will our post-pandemic church look like?
This conversation was moderated by
Ben Yosua-Davis
and recorded on June 11, 2020.
Watch recordings of previous Zoom meetups
Visit this page
to check out recordings of all of our recent Zoom meetups, including:
- Spiritual Practices for Spiritual Leaders During COVID-19, with guests Susan MacKenzie and Aram Mitchell, recorded on March 26, 2020
- Idea Swap: Holy Week and Easter Online, with guests Maria Anderson-Lippert, Cynthia Good, and Peter Ilgenfritz, recorded on April 2, 2020
- The Spiritual Practice of Altering Expectations, with guests Katie Holicky and Holly Morrison, recorded on April 7, 2020
- It's Okay to Grieve, with guests Terri Daniel and Daniel Wolpert, recorded on April 17, 2020
- Wisdom Revealed in the Midst of Covid-19, with guests Kaji S. Douša and James Gertmenian, recorded on April 23, 2020
- Let (Not) Return to Normal, with guests Elizabeth Parsons and Benjamin Yosua-Davis, recorded on May 7, 2020.
- Lessons Learned (so far): COVID-19 Insights to Apply to the Climate Crisis, with guests Natasha DeJarnett and Leah Schade, recorded on May 14, 2020.
- Pandemic in Perspective: Lessons in Resilience from the Global South, with guest Rev. Dr. Kapya John Kaoma, recorded on May 21, 2020.
- Spiritual Parenting: An Online Idea Swap for Pandemic-Weary Parents, with guests Rabbi Michael Knopf, Rev. Effie McAvoy, Rabbi Paul J. Kipnes and Michelle November, MSSW, recorded on May 27, 2020.
Allen Ewing-Merrill
Executive Director
Nicole Diroff
Program Director
Thank you for your gift to
The BTS Center
, the mission successor to Bangor Theological Seminary.
Our mission is to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership.
We equip and support faith leaders for theologically grounded and effective 21st-century ministries.