Come along on an adventure...
Expedition Blue Mountain explores the topography of a school that embraces and educates the whole child. 
Where are we going?
We are going to a place of learning, a school that nurtures children through a curriculum that is built on students' needs, interests, and talents. With deeply aware educators as guides, the unique learning relationships at Blue Mountain School allow for authenticity and mindfulness in and out of the classroom.

As a contemplative progressive school, Blue Mountain commits to providing a holistic approach to educating children that nurtures the mind and the heart, the rational and the creative, the physical and the spiritual. Together, the contemplative and progressive elements of our model honor the whole child.
Step one: Get Ready!
When my daughter was ready for school, we looked for a happy and healthy place to start. We made our way to Blue Mountain School, and what we discovered was more than just another school; we found a peaceful community, open and aware, curious and kind.

Now I am continuing on this journey as the President of the Board of Directors of Blue Mountain School, and I am inviting you to join Expedition Blue Mountain with me.

Come along on this adventure, exploring the world of caring teachers and curious children. On this journey, you will listen to students develop a sense of self, a sense of voice, a sense of what they can do and what they can be.


Martha Sullivan
President, Board of Directors of Blue Mountain School
Blue Mountain School | (540) 745-4234 |