Shabbat Shalom!
Click here for the full Beth Jacob Calendar with Davening Times
Shabbat Parshat Nasso
May 21-22, 2021 11 Sivan 5781 
Candle Lighting 7:35pm  

Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday evening at 6:15pm in Shapell Sanctuary
Rabbi Topp’s Shabbat Morning Parsha Shiur at 8am - In Jacob's Garden
Sponsored by Gisele & Jon Wine in memory of Gisele's grandfather, Salem Obadia, Salam ben Shlomo z"l. And by Anne & Mark Goldin in memory of Anne's father, Abraham Klass, Avraham ben Moshe Lev z"l.

Shabbat Shacharit 7:30am in Rubin Hall, 8:30am in Jacob's Garden, 8:30am Benny's Minyan, 9:15am in Shapell Sanctuary & 10:30am Spark Minyan in Jacob's Garden. 
Kiddush after the 8:30 Garden Minyan is sponsored by Donna Lipofsky
in honor of her son David's Bar Mitzvah.

Spark 2.0 Parent-Child Minyan - 10:30am
Spark Kiddush & Prizes are sponsored by Marvin, Nathan, Sanam, Seth, Reva, Noa &
Nuriel Egorin in memory of Marvin, Nathan & Seth's wife and mother,
Reva Ann Egorin, Rivka Chana bat Lev z"l.

We’re thrilled to resume our Hashkama minyan! The minyan is taking place starting this Shabbat, May 22 at 7:30am in Rubin Hall.

Shabbat afternoon Mincha - 7:25pm in Shapell Sanctuary
Havdallah Motzei Shabbat at 8:35pm
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be for our brothers and sisters
in Israel as we pray for their peace and security.

If you haven't done so already, please click here to contact our members of Congress and ask them to stand with our ally Israel as it defends itself. May we hear besorot tovot
►To Donna Lipofsky on the Bar Mitzvah of her son, David Lipofsky.
►To Donna Lipofsky and Josh Klugman on their upcoming marriage.
►To Linda & Dr. Steve Tabak and Esther Tabak on the birth of their granddaughter and great granddaughter, born to Talya & Josh Tabak. Mazel Tov to grandparents Linda & Mark Goldfinger.
►To Ariela & Ari Shandling on the birth of their baby boy and to big sisters, Orly & Gabi. Mazel Tov to grandparents, Klara & Martin Shandling and Susan & Dr. Isaac Schmidt.
►To Lauren & Wayne Klitofsky on the birth of a baby girl.
►To Mojdeh & Yoni Rosenzweig on the birth of their son, Theodore Joshua. Mazel Tov to big brothers, Oliver and Noah.

►To Roger Parrell on the loss of his beloved wife, Rachel "Shelly" Parell z"l.

►To Lauren & Jeremy Lorber for sponsoring the YP Kiddush this week in honor of the birth of their daughter, Revital Naomi.
►To our Beth Jacob security for volunteering for Shabbat & Shavuot Security this week.

With more members returning to our campus and given the recent surge in anti-Semitic crimes throughout the country and world it is now more important to help secure the safety of our members. If you are interested in volunteering to join our security team please send your contact information to Jonny Joseph at
We encourage you to join us At the Shulchan. As Jay Braun is stepping down from his position as our Baal Koreh, we are looking for members to step up to the plate. Help us fill up our schedule for the coming year – if you feel comfortable reading your Bar Mitzvah Parsha, a Parsha you’ve prepared for in the past or would like to prepare a new Parsha for a special occasion, please contact Chazan Arik at
Sylvia & David Kellerman Beit Medrash Program
Please join us for one or more of these great learning opportunities:
We’re thrilled to announce that our weekday clergy classes are returning
We will be employing a HYBRID model, with the class offered in-person in Rubin Hall and also broadcast via Zoom. Click here to join.
11:00 am Parshat Hashavua: A Fresh Look with Rabbi Topp

11:00 am Tanach Talks with Chazan Arik
8:00 pm Contemporary Topics with Rabbi Topp

12:00 pm Parshat Hashavua with Rabbi Elias 

11:00 am Inspiration Through Halacha with Rabbi Posy
Practical Questions & Uplifting Answers
Learn & Grow With Us
Publish Your Life Cycle Event in our Annual Retrospective
Did you have a Lifecycle Event June 2020 - June 2021?
Send your photos and names to be included by Monday, May 28
Click here to submit your photos

Boost Your Business
Beth Jacob calendar ads are due by Friday, June 18
Submit your artwork by email attachment to
See flyer below for more information

Post Omer Breakfast
Sunday, May 23 after the 8am minyan
For those who counted all 49 days of the Omer
Hosted by Jack Fenigstein

Sharsheret & Yoetzet Halacha Committee Present
Women's Health in 2021: Why it Matters More than Ever
Monday, May 24 at 8pm
Featuring Dr. Atara Geft & Nancy Schiff
Moderated by Yoetzet Halacha Dr. Jordana Topp, & Yoetzet Halacha Ilana Gadish
See flyer below for more details
Click here to join Zoom

Zoom Support Group for New & Expecting Moms
Thursday, May 27 from 8-8:40pm
Spouses invited to join
RSVP to Candice Orkin at
See flyer below for more details

Transformative Thursdays with Rabbi Robbie
Thursday, June 3
Topic: How Moshe Transformed a Moment Into a Movement
Click here to RSVP (required) - Location provided upon RSVP

Great Debates
Shabbat, June 5 at 5:30pm outside at the Weinstock residence
Rav Soloveitchik vs. Rav Kook: Founders of Legacies
Oxford Style debate delivered by Paul Gelb & Alex Sztuden
Dedicated in memory of Rabbi Dr. Levi Meier z"l
Click here to RSVP

YP Friday Night Inspire 
Friday Night, June 11 in Jacob's Garden
Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:45pm, Shmooze: 8:30pm
Followed by Kiddush & Refreshments
Click here to RSVP

Men's Doubles Tennis Tournament
Sunday, June 13 at 10am at La Cienega Tennis Center
Sign up for a team or register solo & we'll assign you a partner
For any questions contact Jared Orkin at
Click here to register
Daily Daf Yomi Class
Rabbi Greenhouse is giving a daily daf yomi at 6:45am. You can click here to join (if possible, turn your cameras on)or dial +1 669 900 6833 and enter meeting id 873-177-0556.

Rabbi Langer's Gemara Shiur for Men on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm will be held via The dial-in number is (425) 436-6374 and access code is 258274#.
Friendship Circle LA is having their annual Garden Party Sunday, May 23 at 5:30pm honoring Rabbi Dr. Chaim Tureff at Cheder Menachem's outdoor yard. For more info & to RSVP click here.
►AMIT: Join members of AMIT Sunday, June 6 at 5pm for a virtual tour of the Ilan Ramon Memorial Museum in Israel. Click here to register & for more info, contact Hilary Brody at
IsraAID is looking to fill important gaps at: YMCA Boyle Heights on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30am- 12:30pm. To sign up click here and share your availability here.
ClubZ LA: Join Club Z Institute, a non-profit with a program teaching students how to stand up for Jews and Israel before college and on campus. For 8th-12th grade student. Click and contact the Director of Education, Naya Lekht at
My Jewish Listings: Every Crisis is an Opportunity. Help others and help Jewish Businesses directly through a wonderful online platform called My Jewish Listings, the first ever Jewish Yelp. If you're looking for a Jewish Business, Jewish Travel Program or Kosher Restaurant or want to list your Business, reach out to them at or Doni Schwartz directly at BJ Members will receive 10% off!
Jewish Family Service LA: A bereavement group is forming that will meet bi-monthly on Wednesday afternoons at 3:30pm over ZOOM. The target population is one who is grieving the loss of a spouse of over 6 months and anyone interested should contact Laura Levin, MSW at or 310 247 0864.

Sima bat Leeba
Raphael Yitzchok ben Chana Gitel
Leah bat Masha
Megan Schiller
Shprintza Leah Bat Chasia
Rose bat Esphir
Devora bat Rivka
Yitzchak Getzel ben Chana
Boruch Avraham ben Chatchie
Noah HaLevi ben Eti Razel
Ebrahim Ben Dina Rachel
Yosef ben Monza Liba
Madelyn bat Chava
Moshe ben Rivka
Chaim Menachem ben Hindel Raizel
Michael D’ror ben Avraham 
Habibolah ben Mohtaram
Devorah Pesa bat Chava 
Sholom Dovber Hakohen Ben Shterna Rivkah
Nissel Sepora bat Shinda Leah
Yehuda Meir ben Malka
Aziza bat Esther
Leah Rivka bat Ada
Satya Gal ben Galit
Ella Dalia bat Yona
Chaya Moriah bas Shoshana Miriam
Shimon Moshe ben Baruch Yaakov
Irene bat David
Tzvi Elimelech ben Baruch Yaakov
Devorah bat Elka
Yishai Meir ben Naftali
Kalman ben Kayla
Elon ben Chana
Talya Esther bat Bina
Yocheved Fruma bat Rochel
Chana bat Tzippora
Noach ben Sarah
Esther Batya bat Leah
Esther Malka bat Doris
Chaya Hodes bat Rachel Leah 
Chaim Nachman ben Basha
Yisroel Reuven ben Feiga
Shayna Leah bat Sara Esther
Malka Chava bat Chana 
Seth Egorin for his mother Reva Egorin z"l.
Marvin Egorin for his wife Reva Egorin z"l.
David Libo for his father Hersh Libo z"l.
Rabbi Mel Gottlieb for his father Abe Gottlieb z"l.
Florence Allen for her mother Seemah Cohen z"l.
Syma Ellenhorn for her brother Joseph Blumes z"l.
Alicia Rosenberg for her father Robert Rosenberg z"l.
David Weiss for his father Max Weiss z"l.
Anne Goldin for his father Abraham Klass z"l.
Gisele Wine for her grandfather Salem Obadia z"l.
Jeffrey Halpert for his father Nathan Halpert z"l.
Leehy Vance (Shaer) for his nephew Gilad Shaer z"l.
Judy Friedman for her grandfather Robert Rub z"l.
Sharon Friedman for her father Robert A. Rub z"l.
Chaim Graff for his father Yekutiel Graff z"l.
Sylvia Kellerman for her brother Aaron Fiacre z"l.
Joel Kessler for his mother Lillie Kessler z"l.
Sponsorships Available
Even during these challenging times, Beth Jacob Congregation continues to offer a wide array of learning opportunities and classes. Please consider supporting Beth Jacob Congregation while also marking a life-cycle event (births, birthdays, anniversaries, yahrzeits, etc.) 

Rabbi Topp's Shabbat Morning Chumash Shiur $250
Daf Yomi Class $100
Parshat Hashavua: A Fresh Look with Rabbi Topp $100
Tuesdays with Chazan Arik $100
Parshat Hashavua with Rabbi Elias $100
Inspiration Through Halacha with Rabbi Posy $100
YP Parshat Hashavua with Rabbi Robbie $100
SPARK 2.0 with Rabbi Broner $250
SHARE THE LOVE - Sponsor care package to seniors $250

All sponsorships will be mentioned during the classes themselves.
Beth Jacob Weekday & Shabbat Minyanim
Our daily minyanim for Shacharit & Mincha will be held in Shapell Sanctuary.

Weekday Davening Times (Weekday Tefillot will also be broadcast on Zoom)
Shacharit Sunday-Friday
8:00am Sunday
6:45am, 7:40am Monday & Thursday
7am, 7:40am Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Mincha/Maariv for the week of May 23 at 7:40pm
Young Professionals
Beth Jacob Congregation | 9030 W. Olympic Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211