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Sharry Aiken
Associate Professor, Queen's Law, Queen's University
International refugee law and policy, Canadian immigration issues, security issues - immigration and refugee policy
Sara Asalya
Founder & President of Newcomer Students' Association, Ryerson University
Immigration and refugee policies, n ewcomer and immigrant experiences, Palestinian refugees, experiences of immigrant mothers and women, settlement and integration, p ost-secondary immigrant and refugee students
Laura Bisaillon
Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Centre for Health and Society, University of Toronto Scarborough
Canadian immigration medical inadmissibility, forced migration, Horn of Africa, institutional ethnography, medicine and the law, minoritization, social studies of HIV/AIDS, sociology of health and illness
Muzna Dureid
Liaison Officer, The White Helmets
Refugees and migration, r efugee rights, conflict, Syria, gender-based violence, sexual violence in conflict, sexual and reproductive health and rights, political participation, women in politics, women's rights, lobbying, feminism
Paula Ethans
Legal Fellow, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
Migration policy, refugee law, international human rights, gender equality, women's rights, f eminism, intersectionality, social policy
Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui
PhD Candidate, Sociologist & Researcher, McMaster University /Senior Communications Executive, Canadian Council of Muslim Women
Refugee and human rights issues, i mmigration and ethnicity, immigration and multiculturalism, immigration and citizenship, racism, race culture and ethnicity, identity, p ublic policy, politics global media and culture, Islam and Muslim lives, Islam and Muslim lives in the United States
Serisha Iyar
Executive Director, Leading in Colour
Refugee policy analysis, racism, oppression, advocacy, youth organization, politics, diversity and inclusion, equity, activism
Petra Molnar
Acting Director, International Human Rights Program, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Refugee and human rights issues, migration, immigration, international law of human rights, ethnography, ethnographic writing, anthropology of migration, t echnology and human rights
Bukola Oladunni Salami
Associate Professor, Nursing, University of Alberta
Migration and health, African refugee children, African immigrant health and well being, immigrant child and youth health, mental health of immigrants, international nurse migration, immigration and health policy, health and well-being of temporary foreign workers
Yolande Pottie-Sherman
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Human migration, political economy of migration, community relocation, population resettlement, local immigration activism, g eography, social justice, inclusivity, urban and political geography, urban change
Emily Regan Wills
Assistant professor, Political Studies, University of Ottawa
Migrants, migration, refugees, borders, diasporas and remittances, feminist politics and theory, globalization, immigration, transnationalism, United States, The Arab Middle East, Lebanon, Palestine/Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, social movements
Anila Lee Yuen
President & CEO, Centre for Newcomers
I mmigration, newcomers, refugees, asylum seekers, pluralism, multiculturalism, settlement needs, migration needs, diversity and inclusion, community engagement, women's empowerment, advocacy
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Samantha Luchuk
Manager Administration and Recruitment

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